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WTS: Angels n Tangs


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  • SRC Member

Do you guys still rememder my post abt all my Angels, decided to let go due that they offenly touch my corals in my new 5ft setup n keep me very busy... :(

So, Pls don't trust there is any reef-safe angels exist... :idea:

Here are my offer:

Majestic 4-5" $55

Imperor 2-3" $25

Blue Face 3-4" $55

Eibli 1.5" $6

Sailfin Tang 2-3" $10

All ich free, with me abt 2 yrs. For serious buyer only, because I need to catch them from my 5ft tank, so don't play me out. :angry::D

Interested person pls continue to this post and I will read it when I'm free, those who know me HP no. pls don't sms me or pm, as I'm very busy till sunday aftn, even still take time to catch them from the main tank. Thank you very much!

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  • SRC Member

Update to all pm to me, I will try to catch the fish 1 by 1, those who has pm me pls make ur confirmation with me asap b4 tml noon. Anf pls don't back out our agreement. tks :D

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  • SRC Member

Still waiting for respond fm all guys who shown ur interest to me. Pls don't play me out, the fishes r innocent! :( So, you r interested, pls confirm with me asap, i will first come first serve. :idea:

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  • SRC Member

Update to all:

Majestic 4-5" $55 (available)

Imperor 2-3" $25 (available)

Blue Face 3-4" $55 (available)

Eibli 1.5" $6 (sold)

Sailfin Tang 2-3" $10 (sold)

Brown Tang 2" $8 (sold)

few more viewers tml n sat, first come first serve. If to take all 3 angels, offer @ 120. They already with me for 2 yrs. So call "reef-safe", but keep more angels in one tank will hv problem if u control their feeding, If u feed them every day then ur ammonia n nitri level will increase...

Let me knw by sms will be more direct if u interested. tks :D

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