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How to care of Pratas?


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  • SRC Member

bro jackal ... thats why i was wondering what do pratas eat in the ocean.. does it used its tenticles to catch smaller preys?

Zac's Red Sea Reefer 170

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  • SRC Member

hi all.. just a update on my prata and some Qs to be ans ..

recently my prata seems to decoloured abit.. but not bleach.. dunnoe why.. is it because of lightings? or flow too strong. and it does not seems to expand alot like i see in other peoples tanks their prata have wide skirtings...

and the angry part is whenever i feed the prata with prawn the damn cleaner swrimp will dig the prawn out from the pratas mouth.... advices needed please.. :thanks:

Zac's Red Sea Reefer 170

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  • SRC Member
and the angry part is whenever i feed the prata with prawn the damn cleaner swrimp will dig the prawn out from the pratas mouth.... advices needed please.. :thanks:

haha...reminisce about the times with my cleaner....

that's EXACTLY the reason why i sold both my cleaner and sold whatever fish that is daring and strong enough to steal food away from the prata and is also the same reason i tell my friends don't buy shrimps

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  • SRC Member

haha...reminisce about the times with my cleaner....

that's EXACTLY the reason why i sold both my cleaner and sold whatever fish that is daring and strong enough to steal food away from the prata and is also the same reason i tell my friends don't buy shrimps

hmm... why nobody warn me abt that haha.... now i wan to sell but cant catch them..

anyway abt the decolouring of my prata. is it because of too much or too little light ? i am using 2 150w mh and 2 t5 (artinic blue). or is it because current too strong?

Zac's Red Sea Reefer 170

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For mi i usually give a small piece of prawn or silver fish to the shrimp before i feed the prata. :)

i tried that too but i once caught the cleaner swrimp digging the pratas mouth... i think that hurt the prata alot...

Zac's Red Sea Reefer 170

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  • SRC Member

i tried that too but i once caught the cleaner swrimp digging the pratas mouth... i think that hurt the prata alot...

cover the cover a with piece of plastic container or smiliar sort to prevent such occurances esp if u have greedy pigs ard... :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

good idea bro prec.. will try .. how abt the decolouring of my prata? can someone advice? is it the lighting?( too strong?) or current too strong? :thanks:

Zac's Red Sea Reefer 170

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