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prizm skimmers

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  • SRC Member

It is possible that you do have little dissolved protein in your tank, since the previous weipro did not skim much from your tank. Do you have a lot of life stock? And the size of the tank?

I normally set all prizms to around the brim of the lower portion of the skimmer (the part that holds the collection cup), some where near the rubber ring. I get some green tea like skimmates. I will tune it lower if I want to get thicker skimmates. My salinity is 1.025 and temp is 27 degrees, you may want to adjust your settings according to your salinity and temp. Hope this helps.

BTW I don't think skimmers don't skim anything because NO3 is low. They skim out dissolved organic material and protein before they break down to NO3.

Good luck and have fun.

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tks to all bro who reply , u guys are great . erm my is a 2 ft tank wiht 14 fishes it a fish only tank , with lr of course, ok i try to set near rubber rim and see what happen , i change to red sea cause think it look nicer in my tank cause i use cannister

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tks to all bro who reply , u guys are great . erm my is a 2 ft tank wiht 14 fishes it a fish only tank , with lr of course, ok i try to set near rubber rim and see what happen , i change to red sea cause think it look nicer in my tank cause i use cannister

14 fishes that is quite a lot for a two feet tank. there should be quite a bit of watse. mabey a pic of ur setup will help. my previous prizm do skim out some watse, but definitely not kopi o.

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  • SRC Member

bro with 14 fishes inside 2ft you surely have waste to skim out, however, as long as your skimmer helps keep your nitrates low then it should be working. And like bro ozy says, skimmer skims the waste before it gets converted to NO3, so it can mean either ur skimmer is effective coz somehow you have low nutrients(fish that eat but rarely poop and pee), or u have nutrients but skimmer not working efficiently.

Anyways, back to using prizm, some bros in the past suggest using a ball lever valve to plug the air intake tube and adjust the amount of air going through the venturi. This apparently help causes it supposedly causes smaller bubbles when tuned to less air intake. With finer bubbles, you can have more surface area for nutrients to attach themselves.

Just a thought, hope it works for u

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