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Gua tengok leapard wrass and lain2 ikan dalam pastic kat irwana... semua nyer sudah mau tidor beb....

Abis lu tak cuba kejut dia ke???.......Tapi walau macam mana pun 2 leopard wrasse yg kat iwarna tu pun sua masuk dalam tank gua... :lol::lol: Mari kita tenggok berapa lama kai ni dia boleh bernyawa lah ye??? :P:P

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Berapa banyak benda nak upgrade dah.....Nanti nak upgrade Arctica chiller bila sen dah cukup. Resun CL650 bising ah, lebih2 lagi bila dia berhenti, macam bom meletup! Tak boleh upgrade AP851 lah. Pakai APF600 dengan chaeto pulak nampaknya. Kalau ada rezeki lagi, PH controller yang nak aku tangkap. Sapa2 nak beli dosing pump bilang abang. Ada satu AquaMedic SP3000 belum pakai lagi. Ingat nak pakai untuk top-up tapi dah pakai Tunze Osmolator. Masih dalam kotak, plastic belum bukak. $200 abang let go.

Aquarama 2007 dah nak dekat, kau orang ada dengar apa2 lobang tak? Hari Isnin besok Command N Conquer 3 dah keluar. Aku agak relak dulu dari beli ikan pasal next on the list hanyalah African Flameback. Yang lain ikan pulak nanti bila2 masa boleh beli. :)

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kalau kocek selalu penuh boleh lah pakai PH controller mate

yg kocek asik kosong je, camne mate.

kena belajar yg susah dulu, mate.

susah dahulu, senang kemudian mate......tapi gua ni asik

susah je, bila lah nak senang mate

Asyik ke mate mate jer... memang lah susah mate.

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Eh! barnacle, Lu punya hp rendam kat sump tank ke apa ni?? Call macam nak rak seh. Gua nak bilang lu yg ni hari sua try taruk rock bonder kat itu Monti, pasal tadi pagi sua jatuh atas sua patah sikit .....Fuhh!!! bingit seh!!! Hah....ni sekarang itu rock bonder sua kasi gua problem maut nye!!!

Lagi satu.....Update on leapord wrasse!!!! Besar nye sua kembali ke rahmatullah pasal tadi try kejut suruh makan sarapan tenggok cam tak layan je dah lah tu tinggal lagi satu tenggah asyik nak tidur je... :lol::lol: Apa lah cik warna ni takan sepuluh ikan dtg satu atau dua je bagus.....Tapi tak mengapa....gua cuma try sekali sahaje laah!! lain kali cuma boleh beli coral je eh cik warna!!!... :D;)

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ok la bro khairil..... Fun eh mintak discount..... Kena angkat dorang sikit..... Btw the frag yg kita beli kat iwarna.... Turning more biru than that time kita nampak.... dia punya polyp and corallite totally baby blue under 12 k and sikit aje pink kat body...The polyp quite big untuk sps........ u going to like it bro.... Lucky we grab.... Tak grab menyesal.....lol.... 2 weeks time you will get your share....kasi aja.... tak paya bayar/...that frag also get discount... Pasal "Aunty you very preety"

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Gua pun nak jual crocea gua la .... agak2 brapa boleh jual kat pasar?

Gua nak cari maxima colour hijau ker, kuning ker, coklat ker dan squamosa jugak lah...

May be lu boleh try 30 benkak beb!!! Harga pun berpatutan!! ;) Kalau sapa2 yg kacau lu basuh dia org cukup pasal sana banyak pengacau dari pembeli yg genuine!!! <_<

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Eh! barnacle, Lu punya hp rendam kat sump tank ke apa ni?? Call macam nak rak seh. Gua nak bilang lu yg ni hari sua try taruk rock bonder kat itu Monti, pasal tadi pagi sua jatuh atas sua patah sikit .....Fuhh!!! bingit seh!!! Hah....ni sekarang itu rock bonder sua kasi gua problem maut nye!!!

Lagi satu.....Update on leapord wrasse!!!! Besar nye sua kembali ke rahmatullah pasal tadi try kejut suruh makan sarapan tenggok cam tak layan je dah lah tu tinggal lagi satu tenggah asyik nak tidur je... :lol::lol: Apa lah cik warna ni takan sepuluh ikan dtg satu atau dua je bagus.....Tapi tak mengapa....gua cuma try sekali sahaje laah!! lain kali cuma boleh beli coral je eh cik warna!!!... :D;)

monti patah sikit tak pe mate. yg patah boleh jual ke, kasi member ke mate

gua rasa itu leopard sate mabuk naik motor gua mate...biasalah

gua racer mate.

yg lagi satu mabuk pasal dia kena merry-go-round semalam mate

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:lol::lol::lol::lol: Btw, Lagi satu tu sekarang ni tengah cunggap2....Kalau tenggah2 free tu tolonglah dtg bacakan tahlil sikit!!! ;) And yg baiknya clam yg lu bawak tu...makin power pulak???.....Dia nga ngah sampai 2.5'.....gua ingat ini clam suka naik motor lu tak??? O.k!! lain kali beli clam bawak motor mesti laju eh!!! kalau boleh RPM kasi naik 8 ke 9 ke kek!!! :P Corner pun mesti cecah telingga!!! Baru clam nampak cantik mate!!! B)
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:lol::lol::lol::lol: Btw, Lagi satu tu sekarang ni tengah cunggap2....Kalau tenggah2 free tu tolonglah dtg bacakan tahlil sikit!!! ;) And yg baiknya clam yg lu bawak tu...makin power pulak???.....Dia nga ngah sampai 2.5'.....gua ingat ini clam suka naik motor lu tak??? O.k!! lain kali beli clam bawak motor mesti laju eh!!! kalau boleh RPM kasi naik 8 ke 9 ke kek!!! :P Corner pun mesti cecah telingga!!! Baru clam nampak cantik mate!!! B)

Clam apa yang lu baru dapat?

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ok la bro khairil..... Fun eh mintak discount..... Kena angkat dorang sikit..... Btw the frag yg kita beli kat iwarna.... Turning more biru than that time kita nampak.... dia punya polyp and corallite totally baby blue under 12 k and sikit aje pink kat body...The polyp quite big untuk sps........ u going to like it bro.... Lucky we grab.... Tak grab menyesal.....lol.... 2 weeks time you will get your share....kasi aja.... tak paya bayar/...that frag also get discount... Pasal "Aunty you very preety"

Wah ... gini macam bagus tu. Tak sia2 dapat beli, sekalipun frag dah patah dari preety auntie tu. Tapi lu punya zoas pun cantik ler.

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:lol::lol::lol::lol: Btw, Lagi satu tu sekarang ni tengah cunggap2....Kalau tenggah2 free tu tolonglah dtg bacakan tahlil sikit!!! ;) And yg baiknya clam yg lu bawak tu...makin power pulak???.....Dia nga ngah sampai 2.5'.....gua ingat ini clam suka naik motor lu tak??? O.k!! lain kali beli clam bawak motor mesti laju eh!!! kalau boleh RPM kasi naik 8 ke 9 ke kek!!! :P Corner pun mesti cecah telingga!!! Baru clam nampak cantik mate!!! B)

Kalau macam ni, tu clam memang tukar warna.....warna putih pucat lesu! Kecut termasuk balik dalam shell dia! :lol::lol::lol:

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Monti yang patah memang bagus kasi member.....mencurah pahala. ;)

Gua no problem beb!!! Pasal yg punya bukan gua beb.....gua cuma care taker yg diamanahkan oleh encik Mate kita tu......Yg gua takut nanti lama2.... gua pulak jadi Undertaker!!! :lol::upsidedown: Hah! amcam mate??? Lu punya H/P yg rendam kat sump tank dah kering ke belum???

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ok la bro khairil..... Fun eh mintak discount..... Kena angkat dorang sikit..... Btw the frag yg kita beli kat iwarna.... Turning more biru than that time kita nampak.... dia punya polyp and corallite totally baby blue under 12 k and sikit aje pink kat body...The polyp quite big untuk sps........ u going to like it bro.... Lucky we grab.... Tak grab menyesal.....lol.... 2 weeks time you will get your share....kasi aja.... tak paya bayar/...that frag also get discount... Pasal "Aunty you very preety"

Wow!!! Is it??? :yeah: Tak yah bayar??? I think you are right bro....I will definitely love that frag!!!! :lol: ......Jgn marah eh copperband!!! :paiseh:

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O.K! Ini khas untuk bro still blue.....Gambo skimmer Deltec APF600 yg lu mau nengok sikit masa dahulu! Sempat gua petik masa gua nye champion tengah tidur! ;) Hah! ni pun gua baru lepas bersihkan needlewheel pump yg dah sebulan tak cuci........Cabin crew....buckle up ur sit belt!!!! B)


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Brader Sky.....masiiiiiiiiih!!!!!!

gua punya pun 'working fine'........dah boleh minum kopi kau... :lol::lol::lol:

Jgn lupa sebulan sekali lu ke cuci dia nye pump sama inner body......lepas tu lu tengok dia nye different fuyoooo!!! Lagi2 kalau taruk kat sump tank....senang betul nak cuci dalam badan dia ngan sponge. :eyebrow:

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Ha...ha! News Update!!!! Gua nye leapord wrasse masih survive and sua start makan loh!!! Yaaaahooooooo!!! :eyebrow:

At first I was afraid I was petrified.....Kept thinking I could never leave without you by my sight....But then I spend so many night thinking how you've done me wrong......I grew strong.....And I've learned how to get alooooong!!!! Come on guys sing with me!!! :lol::lol::lol: Aaaand.....So your back from outer space....I just walk in to find you here without the look upon your face!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Gua no problem beb!!! Pasal yg punya bukan gua beb.....gua cuma care taker yg diamanahkan oleh encik Mate kita tu......Yg gua takut nanti lama2.... gua pulak jadi Undertaker!!! :lol::upsidedown: Hah! amcam mate??? Lu punya H/P yg rendam kat sump tank dah kering ke belum???

sedekah lah frag yg patah tu mate ;)

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Ha...ha! News Update!!!! Gua nye leapord wrasse masih survive and sua start makan loh!!! Yaaaahooooooo!!! :eyebrow:

At first I was afraid I was petrified.....Kept thinking I could never leave without you by my sight....But then I spend so many night thinking how you've done me wrong......I grew strong.....And I've learned how to get alooooong!!!! Come on guys sing with me!!! :lol::lol::lol: Aaaand.....So your back from outer space....I just walk in to find you here without the look upon your face!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Alhamdullilah!!! Tak rugi aku punya doa..........

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Ha...ha! News Update!!!! Gua nye leapord wrasse masih survive and sua start makan loh!!! Yaaaahooooooo!!! :eyebrow:

At first I was afraid I was petrified.....Kept thinking I could never leave without you by my sight....But then I spend so many night thinking how you've done me wrong......I grew strong.....And I've learned how to get alooooong!!!! Come on guys sing with me!!! :lol::lol::lol: Aaaand.....So your back from outer space....I just walk in to find you here without the look upon your face!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Lagu apa nih.... ? :blink:

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