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Crown Trigger & PT for sales

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

Have 2 fishes to clear.

Clown Trigger (bout 10cm in length, been with me for 3months already. Take Note, this trigger dun like live feeders. It take fozen brine/mysis or wad fozen shrimps. But..this trigger simply love pellets. This trigger live well with my PT and lion fishes. Never ever attack them at all. Seeing is believeing. Viewing of the trigger is allowed before buying.) Price going at $100

Purple Tang (4cm in length. My longest fish. Been with me for 1yr 2months. Feed on fozen brine/mysis shrimp and pellets. Price $35

Here the pic.

If interested, pm me. Tks. (For buyers with 3ft tank and above only.)


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  • SRC Member

hi alex here not that no one want to buy from you. but your crown trigger is toooo. BIG la. :D:D tobad me also toooo short of cash :paiseh: now. a 10 cm trigger will look nice in my 7' tank. go will will my 10cm blue tang.... :bow::bow::bow::idea: can hold the fishes till end of month???? can sms me if can H/P 90032363

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  • SRC Member
hi alex here not that no one want to buy from you. but your crown trigger is toooo. BIG la. :D:D tobad me also toooo short of cash :paiseh: now. a 10 cm trigger will look nice in my 7' tank. go will will my 10cm blue tang.... :bow::bow::bow::idea: can hold the fishes till end of month???? can sms me if can H/P 90032363

True...this is a big trigger. it behave like a luohan...not shy 1...will follow ur hand at times...wan food mahz...he is a big eater. Always waiting for pellets..I cant hold it till so long. i'm passing the tank to my fren soon as he nid it to house his fishes.

*Warning, although this trigger never attack my purple tang and lionfishes, but that doesn't means it won't whack other fishes. I dun wan to create an impression that this trigger of mine wun bite. h :P ee.

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