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WTswop red acan lord frags


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  • SRC Member

:rolleyes: this pc looks strangely familiar....... :P

hv no derasas to swop, can consider selling of swopping wif other thingies? :lol:

im giving priority for a derasa swop :P

one polyp++ confirmed for a white xenia frag already :yeah: many thnks to the person who willing to trade their fiji whie xenia :bow:

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++ top up? besides i dont this any1 will give up their gigas :lol: im kidding my self.

i wouldnt give it up if i had one :P

DUn think anyone here has them :lol::lol::lol: i will give them up if they grow too big.... they grow really fast... your 2 feet by then must be a 6 feet :P:P

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  • SRC Member

DUn think anyone here has them :lol::lol::lol: i will give them up if they grow too big.... they grow really fast... your 2 feet by then must be a 6 feet :P:P

some1 here sure to have them :rolleyes: reef en nature has them for sale months back :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

back to the topic

maybe i shud list what im looking for ;) and i think is not "too much" to ask

metallic green/red candycane frags?

a small derasa

or pm me what u r willing to trade with

i will oly sell the frag if i cant find what i want ;)

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  • SRC Member

see if this guy interest you.....its about 4-5 inch big....under MH, you will be able to see the lining of the clam in blue and the yellow lines in gold..... :P

pretty common stuff though.... :P ....but let me know if you are interested


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  • SRC Member
see if this guy interest you.....its about 4-5 inch big....under MH, you will be able to see the lining of the clam in blue and the yellow lines in gold..... :P

pretty common stuff though.... :P ....but let me know if you are interested

bro i pmed you :P

to every one who i didnt managed to reply im sorry but i got my eyes on this derasa :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
Hi let me know if any swap in May?

I'll be in S'pore in May.

Otherwise I can wire u some money and you'll have a self service and go buying your derasa yourself


Pls let me know.


hey bro im sorry but i cant seem to find a derasa lately :(

maybe in may i might have more frags :D

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I have fragged my acans a few times....I think you should let it recover a little and stabilise before trading it.... it looks really really stressed from the fragging session

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