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Aquarama 2005 Participation Plans,

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Hi everyone,

As you all know, the Singapore Reef Club (SRC) has been invited back to support this event and we will be taking up a booth at the venue to promote our club and the marine reefkeeping hobby.

We have also been invited back to give a 45mins public seminar on the last day of the event and upon discussion with some SRC mods, have selected the following subjects:

Reefkeeping Myths Dispelled plus A Short Presentation On Seahorses.

(a few SRC reefers will be called upon to contribute to the seminar panel)

It will be addressed to potential newcomers to the marine hobby and amateurs, to set them off on the right foot on their responsibilities as a caretaker of their adopted marine pets. The seminar will address myths, mindsets and give a realistic view about progressing in this hobby.

The SRC booth will introduce the reefkeeping hobby to potential reefkeepers, provide basic advice and tips to newcomers and promote ourselves as the local club for all Singaporean marine aquarists to provide mutual support and encouragement, to help people advance in their skills and as a base for knowledge sharing.

In light of these objectives, I will be planning the logistics and materials preparation for our participation in Aquarama 2005 and require the combined co-operation and goodwill of our SRC members in helping the club achieve its goals for this event.

Please step up and volunteer yourselves as SRC should not be a one-man show but a combination of the unity, brotherhood and strength in passion that you guys have shown since SRC was launched in Sept 2002!

I will detail down the plans and will assemble a committee to help run this event together! Please vocalise your opinions and offer your help early as time is short and we need to mobilise a lot of things asap!

We've done a lot as Singapore's reefing community, especially in the Saving Nemo movie aftermath, let's unite again for this event!

Let's make our involvement in Aquarama 05 a BIG SUCCESS again!!!

Thanking you all in advance,

From the Admin and Moderators of Singapore Reef Club

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This is the plan that I have for our booth.

1. Multimedia presentations - using a big plasma TV/LCD screens to showcase

- a gallery of our member's tanks

- powerpoint presentation on basic reefkeeping eg. cycling period

- powerpoint presentation on the ocean environment and what we can do as individuals to preserve it.

2. Posters:

- our Club's name and website

- our goals and objectives

- our milestones as a club: Saving Nemo campaign

- introduction of our website features

3. Flyers:

- basic tips given on how to start up a tank

- List of mistakes to avoid

- some basic guidelines promoting responsible reefkeeping

4. Stickers/car decals:

- promoting our club and website address

I need people to be on rotational shifts throughout the public days (Sat and Sun) to give out flyers, talk to people, relieve each other for breaks, makan times, R&R walkarounds. I will take my annual leave to man the booth on the Trade Days and promote ourselves to the industry but if I have some company, it would be excellent!

I need people to help me with the collation, design and preparation work for the multimedia and printed materials.

I need people to help me with logistics in getting the hardware and posters, printed materials assembled, delivered and set up for our booth AND the teardown logistics.

I need fundraising/sponsorship for the following Club event expenses:

1. Rental of PC equipment and other booth setup stuff like stationary etc.

2. Printing of posters and flyers/handout materials/stickers/car decals

3. Transportation costs

4. Provision of drinks and refreshments for volunteer manning staff

I am open to any suggestions on what we should do, how to achieve them and how to raise funds for this event and will decide on the outcome later.

Please feel free to give CONSTRUCTIVE comments as we do not have much time left to plan and make this happen.



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I will post up a seperate thread on assembling a commitee to oversee a volunteer force to run the SRC booth/seminar.

You can post your participation status there!

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