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Why nt YT go skinny?

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i got the YT abt one month back. very fat in the bigining. feed with red bamboo algea and henry food. but now don seem to eat red bamboo much, and only feed on henry food. is it because i feed not enough? but my othe fishes like BT and common clown are doing very well and getting fatter, only my YT is getting skinny. this is my fith YT liao. before one all very skinny and die eventually.. :(

anyone pls help. don wish to loose this guy again. all my other fishes is doing very well accept this guy :erm:

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i'm not sure if your YT is suffering from cyanide poisoning because i once read that cyanide can poison the fish to an extent where the digestive tracts are destroyed and thus, no matter how much the fish eats, it is not absorbing nutrients and slowly withers away.

(this reasoning is may not be so valid in this case since yellow tangs come from USA?...supposed to be strict on cyanide there? hope someone can verify this)

i'm sure there could be another reason but with my limited knowledge, this is all i can offer now...hope its been helpful

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thx shoelevy. i heard abt it too. but my 5YT (four died plus this one) all bought from different lfs leh. connot be so unlucky to get all cynaide YT right? :erm:

my YT now tummy still quite fat, just the other part of the body get skinny. my previous YT all about the same. get skinny and in the end, :cry2:

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Try to feed more often, maybe to the extend of overfeeding. Or even other variety of food.

4 dead yellow tangs is quite a record! :o

If the fishes did not die of cyanide poisoning, then the prob lies with u.

How old is the tank? Are the water parameters good?

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feed more feed more!

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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What i did is i tie nori with fishing line to a small rock and sumerge it in the tank.

Then it can have all day grazing patch. ;)

But do check yur parameters... 4 YT is indeed a record... my first one is still with me after more then 6mths... Or are there any other fishes bullying it?

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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feed your YT with more plant ( not pan chai) food most YT are net caught because hawaii ban cynaide. your YT are dying of malnutrition liao . you may try mixing your dry food with those process dry vegetable flakes.mix 50% dry food and 50% vegetable flakes with a bit of hot water ( mix till dry food coat with the vege) and then feed . lower down your feeding and add more red grapes algae . when low on his favorite he no choice have to lan lan and eat the algae ha ha ha :evil: just for your records that 95% of fishes in singapore are cynaide usually from indo ,bali, phi(dun know how to spell sorry).

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yar comfirm liao. wat i heard is that only three shops selling net caught corax farx, lck 110 and senxxsa maxxne. if you wan to be sure go to any fish shop not listed and compared to those listed the death rate at every morning. at least double and above. i hate cynaide because when ever fishes die i dun know if it is my skill weak or the fishes weak, at least net caught fishes die i can known wat it die of

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  • SRC Member
yar comfirm liao. wat i heard is that only three shops selling net caught corax farx, lck 110 and senxxsa maxxne. if you wan to be sure go to any fish shop not listed and compared to those listed the death rate at every morning. at least double and above. i hate cynaide because when ever fishes die i dun know if it is my skill weak or the fishes weak, at least net caught fishes die i can known wat it die of

can you advice if sealife is under this list of net catching fishes too?

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  • SRC Member
yar comfirm liao. wat i heard is that only three shops selling net caught corax farx, lck 110 and senxxsa maxxne. if you wan to be sure go to any fish shop not listed and compared to those listed the death rate at every morning. at least double and above. i hate cynaide because when ever fishes die i dun know if it is my skill weak or the fishes weak, at least net caught fishes die i can known wat it die of

Hi bro eques...

just a reminder that it will be good if you have facts to back you up...

just in case fellow reefers starts questioning you...

On a personal thought... all my fishes are not bought from those three shops but yet they are surviving well... surprise surprise.... :eyebrow:

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Hi bro eques...

just a reminder that it will be good if you have facts to back you up...

just in case fellow reefers starts questioning you...

On a personal thought... all my fishes are not bought from those three shops but yet they are surviving well... surprise surprise.... :eyebrow:

hi eques,

wow thats a very stong message you'd posted.

FYI, none of my fishes came from the three LFS you'd mentioned. Somehow they'd been with me for and average of 9mths now. Yes, 9mths is still a short period of time compared to their avg lifespan of 7-10 years... but i suppose its sufficient to prove the non-existence of cyanide being used? ;)

Like what icecold had said, I hope you know what you're saying... :look:

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as wat i said 95% of fishes in SG are hit by cyanide , it doesn't mean that cyanide fishes for sure will die . example damsel , grouper, angler and clown fish are some of the fishes that have better survival rate then those that are equally hit by cyanide. cynaide poisoning will damage the vital organs causing slow death doesn't mean that fishes survive more then 6 months are cynaide free, secondly the dosage of cynaide also play a part. those keeping marine fishes before for sure will face fishes that are eating very well and die the next day without any reason. may like wat my fellow reefer said water parameters play a part as well if all your water condition are good example

NH4-undetectable(tetra test kit)

NO2- undetectable(tetra test kit)

NO3-25 ppm (tetra test kit)(aquamedic)


calcium-450(seachem)(seachem)(for my corals)


temp-26-27(resun cl 650)

Ph-8.2-8.3(tetra test kit)

i believe that my water parameters should be quite good but i also have fishes that die without knowing the reason. i cannot blame on any one except me because i am the one who buy the fish ( no one forcing me). wat i write is to inform every one that theres a much greater risk involve if you buy cynaide fishes .( i went to indo before to see how they catch fish thats why i know all this) . i only write wat i know and i have no intention to frame fish shop that i have not listed(may be i dun know there is other shop existed doing net caught fish, i only name those that i know. sorry for the misinterpret if i offend any one ha ha my mistakes :P ) if you got the chance to see how the native indo catch fish then you will know why i said this.like wat i always like to said this is a club for discussion and swapping knowledge base on wat i know an not some thing i heard from . Sorry for those that think i was trying to 'shoot' others fish shop. :peace: . :thanks: for all those that read my long winded replies.

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Hi esque,

I am not a "particular" LFS store die-hard supporter, neither did I see how cyanide has been used for LS harvest. Like you, I do relate to painful experiences of fishes dying for no reason overnight.

Thanks for sharing the information about the only three LFS that doesn't sell cyanide fishes. :peace: IMO, I doubt that any LFS has got any control over their "sources" that uses cyanide or not (unless they personally catch the fish themselves or oversee the entire harvest operation all the time). :P I believe there are still scrupulous LFS around. However, being in business, profit is all that matters.

Perhaps I take things with thousand pinches of salt. Having said that, if I'm a LFS owner, I would say the same thing too... :rolleyes:

:peace: :peace:

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the way i speak may be a bit harsh as well but still thanks for understanding me. i also understand the shop because i some time no choice also butycynaide fishes as (in hope that they will survive) well.

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I am not sure if 95% of the fishes sold in LFS is cynide caught or not. What I am quite certain is cynide is used in a big majority of the LS sold in Singapore. I dare say at least more than half.

Just imagine trying to capture a small wrasse in the reef. Firstly the wrasee will try to hide amongst the rocks, which is almost impossible for the diver to use a net. The solution, squirt cynide into the hole where the wrasse is hiding.

I have questioned LFS many times about cynide and some of them just smilled and some outright tell you that it is cynide caught.

About fishes dying in tank. I think it depends on the amount of cynide the fish is exposed to. It also depends on the specie. Some species are able to handle more cynide than others. I have fishes that are a few months old and I also have fishes that die on me overnight.

Many years ago I have kept a common clown for 5 years which I am sure is cynide caught. In those days nobody cares about the reef and they just use cynide for everything including live seafood.

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