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y my shrimp die after i introduce to my tank?


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wud think either ph or nh or no group too hi

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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Shrimps, especially fire shrimps need to aclimate slowly. ;)

What I usually do after floating the bag for 15 mins is that I will use a air tube to slowly siphon the water from my main/QT tank into the bag until the bag is full.

Then I will wait for another 10-15mins before I will add the shrimp slowly into the tank. I will usually gently lower the container in to the tank and wait for the shrimp to decides when it wants to leave the container into the main/QT tank. :D

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Problem may not be your tank which is not distrubed every now and then. It is the lfs or difference in water parameters from where it gets into the plastic bag and your tank to be so stressful to them that they rather go up lorry. :(

You have to do the proper acclimatising into your tank. Patience is definately needed especially for schrimps.

My 2cents input here.

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Oh man I lost a few blood shrimps when I first started out coz I fail to acclimitize! It is really the system shock that gets them- they are that sensitive. If you dunk them straight in, its as good as throwing your hard earned money down the drain. No joke.

What I have learnt is to pour the shrimp and the existing LFS water into a small pail or mug, then set up a small drip system. A few drops per min is best, dumping out half the container away when the drip is done. Set up the drip a second time. That shouldbe expended in 2-3 hours time, then in the little prawns they go. Works for me so far. Really easy once you set up the drip part.

Hope this helps

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i drip the water from my tank water into a container with the shirmp for 1 drop/5sec... takes abt 2-3hrs ...

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  violence said:
i had experiences where new shrimps added were mistaken by fishes as food and mecilessly attacked

I always make it a point to introduce new LS/schrimps just after lights off.

Experienced a yellow tang wacked a purple tang to death in 1 hour before my eyes and there is nothing I can do to catch the poor fellow out, despite keeping it in a holding tank inside the main tank for half a day. The mirror method didn't work too.

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  damienkee said:
i float the bag for 20 min. b4 i introduce it to my tank! :o  :(

Hi Damien, you have it right the first step but as mentioned you will need to slowly mix your tank water with the water in the bag too.

If you, the chances of them dying on you will still be high. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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I've never had a problem acclimatizing shrimp in less than 30 minutes. Most likely my salinity in the past was similar to that of the farms. You should realize that salinities of the water in most farms are on the low end. If you should want to save time on future acclimatization, it would be good not to let your salinity climb too high as the larger the difference will lead to more time spent on acclimatization.

In my experience a marine crustacean tolerates being transferred into lower salinity better compared to being transferred into higher salinity.

Always something more important than fish.


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I think everyone here is missing a point here. The blood shrimp die after 3 hrs in the tank not instantly ; so far the shrimps that die in my tank due to temperature or ph shock are pretty instant. The moment they are shock, I notice that they will just laid motionless on the sand bed and they will be dead in 10mins or less. (I observe my anemone shrimp die slowly due to Ph shock) Yes, you are right I'm sick .

But it's definitely a good practice to acclimatize shrimp slowly.

Funny thing is that none of my blood shrimp nor CS die due to Ph shock or temperature shock. I don't do dripping method, I mix cup by cup of sea water from my main tank.




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Blood shrimp are the more sensitive of shrimps. Many people face problems with this species compared to others. Even ###### shrimps seem to acclimatize better than blood shrimps. It is possible this species stress more easily compared to others during the transport back to aquarist tanks. Maybe its some other factors like the need for higher dissolved oxygen levels? Don't think anyone really knows the reason.

Always something more important than fish.


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thanks to all bro!

so the conclusion is: mix ur main tank water into the the plastic... for some time! ;)

:( still sad i cant found the body of my shrimp, my african clownfish is gone... and my yellow tang~ i found something stick on its body, white thing with 2 eyes. not fungus not ich... i dun think they r bacteria... coz my bare eyes can c it clear. :angry:

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  damienkee said:
thanks to all bro!

so the conclusion is: mix ur main tank water into the the plastic... for some time! ;)

:( still sad i cant found the body of my shrimp, my african clownfish is gone... and my yellow tang~ i found something stick on its body, white thing with 2 eyes. not fungus not ich... i dun think they r bacteria... coz my bare eyes can c it clear. :angry:

Hi Damien, I think besides the ich you also have Isopods. :(

Think you may want to remove all inverts and do a Hyposalinity Treatment on you tank soon.

After you have done a complete round of Hypo, it is prudent to always QT any livestocks before adding into your main tank in case you re-introduce new pest into your tank.

Good luck bro. :P;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
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from all the info of all the bro up here! i really wish to try another time. but i spent too much for this month oreadi. later the "bao qin tian" will fire me somemore! :(

so for cleaner shrimp only 2 type?

skunk cleaner shrimp & bloob shrimp? beside 2 of this any other which is hardy and easy to keep. but can do work like both of the shrimp?

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I am not aware of any cleaner shrimps that is big enough to consume Isopods.

The usual way is to remove it using tweezers or forceps.

You may want to check out this Link

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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