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Happen to buy this wessbond epoxy from a hardware shop which found that it is exactly the same stuff as what my neighbour has just bought - Aquaz Epoxy fix.

I hurried back to the hardware shop thinking that they might had sold me imitation/counterfeit goods, but the hardware shop uncle told me that this wessbond epoxy had been in market for many years and it is from USA ! He asked me to check around other hardware shop and he assured me that I can get wessbond epoxy easily as it is a popular brand among hardware shop.

Strange, if aquaz had "oem" the same product, it should be from USA instead of Germany (as aquaz packaging stated), confusing??? Or maybe by stating from Germany, one can sell it at higher cost and make more profit?

What a steal I had made, I pay only $7.00 after discount while my neighbour bought it for $12.00 for 2 absolutely same thing! Same colour, same size, same weight 114g, same texture. Everything exactly the same!

Maybe Aquaz would like to explain this?


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Since this might be another one of those thread from a smear compaign, I guess it warrants my presence. Why is it always a new member or inactive members who are so willing to share information?

On a separate note, can it be proven on paper that these 2 products are the same?

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I have to remind all to refrain from publicly publishing possibly defamatory information unless you are prepared with appropriate evidence, from independent sources if possible, to support your case.

www.doggiesite.com has a reference thread on matters of this nature, I will seek permission from their Admin before providing a link. For those interested, you can visit the DoggieSite forum.

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I have both epoxy on hand and are willing to share with anyone where i bought the wessbond from.

There is no deflammation going on here as far as I am concerned. This is the real fact I witnessed with my own bare eye and anyone else can also be the witness if they are prepared to buy both and try it themself.

I agree I am a new member but does it mean I cannot post the fact? I have heard gossips about some of the SRC mod are very biased and like to defend for certain brand or sponser. Are you telling me that the gossips are right? Then I would say a big thank you and GOODBYE as never will I come here anymore.

*But I always hear people saying AT the boss is very fair and square, gossips again or truth??!!!*

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From what i see in your pictures, their colours are not totally the same. If imy eyes are correct. I have used industrial epoxy before, not wessbond, but other brand and cost the same $8.00 only. But they are not to be use in aquarium. I used afew times and gave up cos it cos my sps corals to RTN. In total i have lost about 5 sps to such cheap industrial epoxy. Now i buy those truely for aquarium use.

I have never use Aquaz Epoxy, but from the actual look, it does not look similar from a typical industrial epoxy from hardware shop.

Just my opinion.


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You mention 'fact', question is, can you prove if WESSBOND and AquaZ Epozy is the same?

Truth is, I am biased, but biased against members, new/old, who are unable to support their claims. Giving the Moderation Team lots of headaches having to mediate between the two. We have only that amount of time to spare in between jobs, family and running the Forum.

Secondly, I am also biased against business who engages in smear campaign. And I am public on my personal anti-smear campaign, its just a reciprocal action against an outwardly obvious action.

Now, I reiterate, can you prove your claims?

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  • SRC Member
Strange, if aquaz had "oem" the same product, it should be from USA instead of Germany (as aquaz packaging stated), confusing??? Or maybe by stating from Germany, one can sell it at higher cost and make more profit?

Hi. I just took a look at my Aquaz Epozy Fix and found that it says "Made in USA".

Here's a scan of my tube. Could you show us where on your tube does it say Germany?



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  • SRC Member
so don't buy the Aquaz brand loh.. why make such a big fuss about it...

agreed..if u feel that wessbond is good enough and save u money, go ahead...but not too sure if they give the assuranace that it can be used for reef aquarium purpose..at least aquaz is an aquarium product..

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Hi our attention was brough to this post,

we have an active sponsor forum and an active support email for product queries.

its here: sponsor forum and email address: support@aquaz.org

we apologize to the admin and mods for any issues caused.

All Aquaz Epozy Fix products are labelled as a "Made in USA" evident on our packaging. Thus, we are not certain if the product with "Made in Germany" as you claimed to be one that is distributed by our company. We however would be interested in seeing this above mentioned product to verify your claim and Epozy Fix is not 'OEM" from brand Wessbond unless again you wish to enlighten us further with your claims.

The above allegation pertaining to our brand Aquaz was unnecessary and to date, unsubstantiated, as our epozy fix was never labelled to be a product from Germany.

Aquaz does not intend to establish itself with practice in "price gourging."

It has been our company's policy to price competitively and support dealers,hobbyists and clubs while trying to stay afloat as a business entity.

A juggle that is not easy.

We find our time more productive in acquisitions and product testing for future launches and promotions.

Aquaz has from day one fought against all odds in the industry to bring quality and affordable products to the hobbyist, it has been an uphill struggle from the beginning...and we are just at the foot of the hill.

We would not hesistate to replace or phase out any product that is indeed inferior in quality through verification and testing.

Thank you for your time


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It is immature and unfair for someone to make a comparison like this in a public forum and ask Aqauz to explain. This is too much.

Putting aside Aquaz, it is very common that a lot of the goods you buy are OEM, you can have the same factories manufacturing the same product, maybe with a slight variation for different buyers, the pricing depends on the marketing and packaging. I am sure many of us have been told by retailers "This one is exactly the same one that Toyota/IBM/Mercs/BMW etcetc use, it comes from the same factory, the only difference is the packaging but a lot cheaper" I am sure many have heard this before. In this case, the well know brands invested a lot of money in marketing and therefore charges more. On the other hand, it may be similar but not exactly the same.

So to put up something like this is not right and can be subject to law suit for defamation, a bit risky if Aquaz wants to pursue further.

If you want to share with us that this product is good or cheap, just show it in the thread without making a comparison like you did. It is better that way.

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You can't say both products are the same just because they look the same. Lots of epoxies on the market are green. It's just the surface appearance. How do you know the contents are the same? Have you actually done any chemical analysis of the constituents? Texture can't be used for commparison too, most epoxies feel the same anyway. Hmm..let me think of an analogy. 2 easter eggs of same size, painted in the same way. One's a chicken egg, the other's a duck egg. If you crack both open, can you say they're the same just because both of them have egg white and yolk?

As for the pricing I don't find it overly expensive, it's way cheaper than some purple epoxy anyway. :upsidedown:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

i agree with aquaz... its not easy for them to start out now... due to the tough competition.. so price variation is common... when u see some aquaz stuff at a low price doesnt mean all of their products will be the same.. still have to profit a bit ma ... Who wanna start a company making losses??????

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  • SRC Member

yes... visually its might be similar.

but how bout chemically?

you wont know unless u have the details of its content.

if u got no such envidence, its better to just keep it to urself

you will never know what damage you had done because of this post.



If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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This person making these baseless accusations should be banned as such defarmative claims will have adverse effect on people's business.

Pleas don't be ignorant and say they look the same and therefore they are the same!

Would anyone ask Lexus to sell their RX300 as Toyota Harrier price?

I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member
i think he/she is comparing the 2 epoxy up there ... not with the industrial type


Wessbond is an industrial type, i think

Aquaz is for aquarium use.

From the picture, wessbond looks darker green in colour. But Aquaz looks blueish green. As i have use industrial brand like aquabond, which produce some content of oil and colours look similar to that of wessbond. My advise is stay away from cheap industrial epoxy, they are cheap and perhaps look similar, but definitely not for aquarium use.


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To me, OEM is very common in the market and it happens everywhere. If Aquaz needs to explain when they order products from OEM manufacturers. :D

Then should we get Sony to explain for its products that are OEM by Samsung? Should we get Artica to explain the price difference of their chiller vs Daiel? There are still many more if we dwell deeper - but is its necessary? I dun think so, because this is just how the world spin. ;)

I have personally used both epoxies with no problems at all, although I feel safer using Aquaz since it is manufactured for aquarium usage rather than industrial usage. As we all know a slight introduction of phosphates, copper or slicates might not be serious in industrial applications but will be detrimental in a closed set-up like ours. :evil:

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looking at the developments in this thread...I really hope reefers using this forum can be more responsible for whatever they are posting.

No mod is taking sides, you can see for yourself, most comments are by hobbyists.

Rumour was asking for some real facts to verify your claims and you bring up gossips about some mods ... (please be more mature and try to show us you can carry out a decent discussion on the thread you started.)

And please stop taking cheapshots at the mods, we are doing this on a voluntary basis, we get blamed for the Aquacraft issue, we get gossips about taking sides. Please, we are all hobbyists here... we are trying to make this a better place to share info and exp.

So when you want to post something, show everyone here you can back it up with facts...not gut feelings. We are all, afterall....sensible and responsible adults.

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As promised I obtained permission from the Admin of DoggieSite Forum to post an extract of their Warning against posting of defamatory nature.

Extract from DoggieSite.com:


Netizens, let this be a warning

LAWYERS advise that netizens should be careful with what they post on the Net. Mr David Rasif said: 'This case should warn people that going on the Net is not as anonymous as it seems.'

Lawyer Zero Nalpon added that those who post defamatory messages on the Internet face legal action and damages because others can read the messages.

He said: 'The affected person face a loss of reputation because the remarks are told to a third party. It is not defamatory if the person had made the remarks directly to the affected party.'

Lawyer Mervyn Tan said exchange of defamatory remarks within the local pet business, especially among aquarium fish owners, was common but he had not heard of any such case brought to court.

He said: 'Internet discussion forums are not the avenue to vent frustration or grievances. Often, the affected parties get better compensation when they discuss the matters directly with the people concerned.'

Ms Jeanny Ng advised people to seek legal advice before posting an angry message on the Internet.

She said: 'That will save them a lot of time and trouble.'


Doggiesite has experience in matters like these, and have on board their team a Legal Moderator which should give them better credibility.

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  • SRC Member

i personally used aquaz expozy and i tink its good, does not cause any damage to my corals or whatsoever. you can just used the wessbond brand and stop making stupid comparsion quoting that the two product are the same without any evidence. there are sure to be different in the content as aquaz is for marine uses but not wessbond. at least if u use aquaz and something happen, someone will ans to you, but if u use wessbond.. and something happen.. and gd luck to you. and thats not the way to talk to the moderator here.. they are just volunteering helping out to keep the forum running well. to me you are just a new comer and you straight away posted something like this on the net. which is not usual. this seem like you are just registering into the sgreefclub just to flame on the product and end of story. this is part of plan to whack aquaz? did you notice the no. of replies that is against the thread u have posted. aquaz can just take legal action for that.

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seems like Aquaz has been under a lot of fire recently..have seen strange pple joining SRC with sole intention to whack Aquaz...1st post and attempt to whack a particular brand...really getting sick of these pple...

and guess wat, Antiz has gone missing after 4 posts...guess his really pissed that he didnt get his message across...

let's do it the Aquaz way...


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