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Feeding frogfish and scorpionfishes

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Nice specimens you have there bro. ;) Where did you get the Parapterois from? I had one a few years ago. Now it is almost impossible to find.

I think the thing about feeding freshwater live food to marine fish is that we may not see the bad effects so soon, or the bad effects may be observed but dismissed as some sort of disease, or the bad effects are disguised. For example, if continual feeding of FW live food shortens the life-span of a marine fish, it may only be seen as a sudden death within 1 to 2 years. Hence I feel that gut loading FW shrimps and mollies with marine food may help to alleviate this problem, although marine food is still the best.

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Hi, I'm from Thailand. I've been putting my tank pics. on the reef fishes forum( If you're interested in seeing that).

I got the Parapterois from a shop here, they're rare here too. I think this is the first time it available here.

For this parapterois, I'm planning to offer him a small demsel if he's growing abit bigger.

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Which part of Thailand do you come from? I have only been to a marine fish shop in Bangkok's Chatuchak weekend market a year ago, and found that prices for marine fish were comparable to Singapore's. Do you have a local marine ornamental fishing industry in Thailand? Most of Singapore's fish come from Indonesia and the Philippines, but I understand that Vietnam is making in-roads to the Singapore market as well. In order not to miss exotics like the specimens you have, I make it a point to visit shops which import rare species every week.

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I stay in Bangkok.

Yes, there's a local marine ornamental fishing industry. The fish sold here mostly came from southern and eastern part of Thailand. Along with the various shipment from the Philippines, Indonesia, Red Sea, Hawaii, and Carribean.

For me, I used to visit the shop around everytime I have a free time. But sometimes the shop will phone me if they've any interesting stuff.

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