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Calcium Reactor Media


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  • SRC Member

Have been using ARM since I started using Calcium Reactor. While it is a good media with the ability to work at a higher pH, I have constanly found that the kH reading of the effluent is kinda low. Calcium readings are good.

Was wondering what other media is there to use to boost up kH? And magnesium? Usually have problems buffering these readings in my tank.

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  • SRC Member

Some reefers mentioned about Grotech's magnesium pro (bought 1kg of it, yet to test it). can either add Grotech's magnesium pro or ZEOmag Magnesium into our cal-reactor. I noticed that their magnesium granulate look alike. perhap: they get the raw material from same manufucturer where they repackages and sell it under its own brand.

(if i am right) AlfaRomeo and monsterz1975 using Grotech magnesium pro to maintain their magnesium level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Riot, me no expert but relating my limited experience.

I run my reef kH at 7, Ca 430ppm and Mg stays ard 1390ppm (last measured on sunday).

There is a range of pH where the media will dissolve (lower pH media dissolve better and higher pH media dissolve lesseR).

We are talking abt total amount of kH and Ca (since these 2 parameters are possible to measure).

The other factors are the effluent flow and CO2 bubble count and these 2 factors controls the pH in the main chamber.

For me I fixed the rate of my effluent to abt 4 l/h and then control the main chamber pH (via the pH controller) and adjust until the kH holds stable. My CR running rowalith C and it is recommend to run the pH between 6.2 to 6.5, for me my pH setpoint is 6.48 which holes my parameters stable. If my Calcium consumption rate in my reef increase then I just lower the pH in the main chamber.

A CR supplies kH and Ca in the ratio of 1 meg/l (2.8dkh) to 20ppm Ca. At times it might seems that the Ca is fairly stable and kH keeps dropping. But in actual fact the CR is not supplying sufficient kH and Ca and you need to increase the effluent flow but at the same time increase the CO2 bubble count to hold the same pH or lower the pH in the CR chamber providing the pH is not already too low.

Another issue I found is that it is difficult to keep the effluent rate stable for a long time especially if we Tee off the effluent feed from our return pump, that is why I tune my effluent flow to 4 l/h so that effluent is more steady. Until my metering pump arrives I'll have to monitor the kH on a weekly basis. Without a stable effluent flow, how to tune the CR properly? Same goes for CO2 bubble count too :P

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  • SRC Member

Thanks. I have the same issue with Scarab and thought that a quality media like ARM or ROWALITH should provide the necc KH. CAL levels. Hence, its gotta be the tuning, which I find a PAIN IN THE A$$. Looks like I'm running my PH a bit high, its 6.7+- with my test pen. My KH is currently 8 with my cal pretty low 380ppm I am trying to get it up.

So let me get it straight - to provide for increased demand, I got to raise my bubble count and jack up the effluent rate? Running the effluent rate up by itself will probably decrease PH, hence reducing KH CA concentration right?

Think need a PhD to tune a CR man.

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  • SRC Member
Scarab, what's the kH reading you're getting and Ca reading you're getting.

Maybe the CR is too small.

Er long time never test my effluent properties already but I'm getting kH of 6.5 but calcium of 410 in my main tank. I like to keep my kH high like 9 to 10, so I always need to bump up my kH with buffer. I find higher kH help to maintain better colouration of the SPS.

My CR I think quite big already. :P:P Joe_P would know. Main chamber 7 in diameter by 2 feet high, 2nd chamber 4in diameter by 1.5 feet high.

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Let's make it step by step.

1. Tune your effluent flow to be stable, eg 2-3litres/hr.

2. Stable CO2 count like one bubble/sec.

3. Measure your kH and play with the pH controller setpoint so the kH holds stable after 24hrs (always measure the kH the same time of the day).

A pH controller does helps a lot.

I prefer to keep the effluent stable but lower the chamber pH so the effluent kH and Ca is higher. But do watch the pH in case it gets so low that your media turn into mud.

Basically the PITA is tunning the effluent flow, have you tried to measure the actual effluent flow rate and see how much it changes on a day to day basic?

Once the effluent is stable then life is easy.

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Er long time never test my effluent properties already but I'm getting kH of 6.5 but calcium of 410 in my main tank. I like to keep my kH high like 9 to 10, so I always need to bump up my kH with buffer. I find higher kH help to maintain better colouration of the SPS.

My CR I think quite big already. :P  :P  Joe_P would know. Main chamber 7 in diameter by 2 feet high, 2nd chamber 4in diameter by 1.5 feet high.

If you could push your Ca to 430ppm then your kH will be ard 9.3 which is better.

Your CR is the same as my ex CR. In my tank (after I switched to BLV10kk) it could not hold my parameters and I always need to boost up the kH with addicitives. kH always drop from 7 to high 5 after 2-3 days.

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  • SRC Member
Scarab- your readings look like ideal ZEOVIT requirements leh. Have you tried bumping up the KH using buffers, then leaving them there? Or do they drop very quickly?

Yup I've been using kH buffers to bump it up immediately after I do water change. The kH will be around 10. Then the day before I do water change (I change weekly) I test the kH is 6.5 to 7. That is even with my CR cranked full. My CO2 bubble count is like 3 to 4 bubbles a sec and the effluent is a continuous drip.

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  • SRC Member

If you could push your Ca to 430ppm then your kH will be ard 9.3 which is better.

Your CR is the same as my ex CR. In my tank (after I switched to BLV10kk) it could not hold my parameters and I always need to boost up the kH with addicitives. kH always drop from 7 to high 5 after 2-3 days.

Like I say, CO2 bubble rate is 3 to 4 per sec, if any higher my night time pH will be very low. Time to get bigger CR??? :lol:

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  • SRC Member
A CR supplies kH and Ca in the ratio of 1 meg/l (2.8dkh) to 20ppm Ca.

In theory, if my initial readings are ALK @ 8dkh & Ca @ 420ppm and I maintain my ALK @ 8 dkh consistently using only CR, then the Ca SHOULD BE 420ppm (or vice versa).

However, I have tried only keeping ALK stable and thinking that Ca would maintain, I was surprised to find my Ca reached 500ppm.

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Like I say, CO2 bubble rate is 3 to 4 per sec, if any higher my night time pH will be very low. Time to get bigger CR??? :lol:

bro, did you test the effluent when you up the bubble count? Maybe at lower bubble count the CR already saturated and unable to produce higher kH and Ca in the effluent so the additional CO2 just does nothing but cause low pH in your tank.

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In theory, if my initial readings are ALK @ 8dkh & Ca @ 420ppm and I maintain my ALK @ 8 dkh consistently using only CR, then the Ca SHOULD BE 420ppm (or vice versa).

However, I have tried only keeping ALK stable and thinking that Ca would maintain, I was surprised to find my Ca reached 500ppm.


There are other factors too.

You did not mention how long it took your Ca to climb from 420 to 500ppm so I assume it takes some times like a few weeks or months.

One factor could be caused by the salt you are using, during water change this changes the kH and Ca reading and end up it raises the Ca value.

It could also be caused by corals taking in Mg and Sr in place of Ca when they built their skeleton. CaCO3 requires 1 meg/L for every 20ppm of Ca and the Ca is substituted by Mg and Sr the actual demand for Ca is lower.

It can also be caused by the nitrogen cycle when NO3 is formed. Alk is lost during the progress and when you perform a water change you removed the NO3 and those removed NO3 has no chance to be reduced back to N2 and have the Alk released from them.

So your situation could be due to one or combo of reasons from above.

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  • SRC Member

If you use ARM, Mg confirm need to dose. My Ca ok, only my kH need to boost. So having CR doesn't solve your dosing headache if you have a high stock level of SPS, like me. :paiseh::lol:

I think you are right weileong. 3 to 4 bubbles per sec is already the max for my CR to work. Any higher bubble count will result in lowering pH without the added advantage.

That's why I'm asking if anyone else have good experience using other type of media. How is Rowalith? Anyone have good experience with it?

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  • SRC Member
Like I say, CO2 bubble rate is 3 to 4 per sec, if any higher my night time pH will be very low. Time to get bigger CR??? :lol:

Isnt 3-4 bubbles per sec pretty high? If I run my current CR like that, I will end up with a huge CO2 bubble that will bleed off through the effluent output. Mine works out to 1 per sec with a fast contd drip drip drip as fast as you can read this drip drip drip drip. :)

Is yours on solenoid? I dont know, I find it quite useful so if i need to up the concentration, I just run it longer.

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  • SRC Member

I dont know.. maybe i didnt dial in properly for my CR, using Rowalite C+.

But 3 to 4 bubbles per sec? Wow that is quite high. I only use 1.5bubbles per sec. If 3 to 4 bubles can work for me so that i dont need to dose any more, will try it. Only concern is kH and pH.

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  • SRC Member
If you use ARM, Mg confirm need to dose. My Ca ok, only my kH need to boost. So having CR doesn't solve your dosing headache if you have a high stock level of SPS, like me. :paiseh::lol:

I think you are right weileong. 3 to 4 bubbles per sec is already the max for my CR to work. Any higher bubble count will result in lowering pH without the added advantage.

That's why I'm asking if anyone else have good experience using other type of media. How is Rowalith? Anyone have good experience with it?

I'm using ARMS too, i dont need to dose MG leh.. my current tank runs at MG- 1400, CA-430, KH-8.3, PH-8.1, bubble count 2-3/sec, effluent - continous dripping. I do face low KH problem in the past , what i did was increase the bubble count and effluent ;)

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