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How do u feel abt S'pore culture?


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  • SRC Member

SG is not yet a truely liberated society, that may explain why we have a narrower mindset. From young, education to NS to working life, most pple choose a tried and tested way of living. The Gov. also prefers a 'controlled' way of formulating public policies and regulations.

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Hmmm..I quote one of my friends who was from the States on his views on Singapore.

"When I was young, I used to be afraid of Singapore. I heard many things about people getting fined for the consumption of chewing gum and littering. I heard you could go to jail for the possession of pornography. I even heard of this guy who got canned for vandalism (Michael Fay). But as I grew older and travelled more, my mindset changed. It's great to know that people in Singapore are starting to break certain laws even while being aware of it, as such laws are far outdated for a modern democratic society"

I just nodded with agreement after that. :ph34r:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
i got this from a friend

i don't mean to imply anything from this but i hope you guys can comment on its content

This is only once person's view and is not representative.

If you read the contents of the article carefully, it is one or two person's opinion and not every Chinese's opinion. This type of articles should be taken with a pinch of salt. A journalist can write anything, he or she can pick on just one or two negative issues and write a few pages to harp on it.

I have seen Spore developed for the last 30 years beginning with focus on the industrial/manufacturing development zone, going to high tech production, the Speak Mandarin Campaign in the mid 80's to the Coutesy Campaign etc etc, I have seen youngsters then and youngsters now, their behaviour etc. All I can say is that the country is improving for the better.

In an Asian country, where the population is not politically matured, it is difficult to run it iwth 100% democracy like those in the US and the UK, furthermore Asians are far more emotional and short tempered, it take years and generations to make a country more civilised through education and govt policies. Take an example, in Japan, school children are educated on environmental issues and they have specific garbage coloured bags for different type of garbage, my friend's children keeps reminding him whenever he dumps his rubbish, if you do it wrongly, the garbage collector will not collect them!

If the economy is good, the govt let the private sectors take the lead, if the economy is bad like the recent Asian Crisis, the govt comes in with some big projects to spurn the economy, small country, efficient govt, easy to manage.

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  • SRC Member

i have comments from friends overseas.. saying Singapore is a safe city and a food paradise... Although there are cases of snatching carparks, seats at hawker and kanna FINE (double yellow line) while my friend was here...

Every country has its good side and bad side... Singapore is lucky cuz we learn from pple's mistake

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