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My Mantis shrimp


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Just like to share with you the efforts of the past week's sleepless nights. I learnt of this little fellow only a few weeks ago. It was very elusive. Sometimes you get to see only its pair of eyes poping out from the critters and the next sec its gone.

I suspect it is responsible for the death of my 2x bengal cardinal, 2 x cleaner wrasse, 3 x pecular clowns. :P Blame all on it huh..keke.

Ok, the image might be a little blur. It gets blurry when i try to focus it closely.

It's green and it's gorgeous. Too bad I cannot keep it. It's notorious for whacking small fishes.


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Just like to share with you the efforts of the past week's sleepless nights. I learnt of this little fellow only a few weeks ago. It was very elusive. Sometimes you get to see only its pair of eyes poping out from the critters and the next sec its gone.

I suspect it is responsible for the death of my 2x bengal cardinal, 2 x cleaner wrasse, 3 x pecular clowns. :P Blame all on it huh..keke.

Ok, the image might be a little blur. It gets blurry when i try to focus it closely.

It's green and it's gorgeous. Too bad I cannot keep it. It's notorious for whacking small fishes.

Bro.. wonder how u catch it? i got a 1.5cm in my tank! duno how to catch it neh.. :(

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no problem...

but 1st you have to volunteer to see if my mantis can be hand fed anot.


huh? lent me ur mantis to catch my mantis? :blink:

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of cos...

my mantis put the chopsticks down he will come out liao...

no need trap to bait.


clever mantis u got there.. :lol: mine ah..hurm.. my chopstick go dwn.. only can catch fish.. lolz.. :lol:

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hi bro ... diabolus

hmm tired to take reali close up pics of this guy but this is the best .. liao ... :)

it is forever hidding... reali hard to make it come out ...

by the way .. which is more powerful ??? spearer or smasher ???

:thanks: for ID for me ... :P

p/s: i have a piston shrimp which is 2"... i dun wan.:D. u wan it for ur mantis ??? :yeah:


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problem is whether u can catch the pistol out anot?

anyway, my mantis only take prepared food.


hi bro..........

no problem ..the piston shrimp has areadi been caught ..... inside a super small tank now ...:)...

so the fight is on ???? :P

cheers :)

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hi guys recently i have spotted i mantis shrimp living in my LR too.. but cant really see clearly .. err. should i catch it out? does it eat fishes? i lost two gobies dunno if its related to the mantis shrimp. :P

Zac's Red Sea Reefer 170

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Lester can share how you catch your mantis shrimp?

For me, I caught mine simply by taking out the rock it is hiding. Leave the rock in a dry pail and it will come out on its on.

I suspect there is another one in my tank still. Kept hearing the "click" sound once in awhile.

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Lester can share how you catch your mantis shrimp?

For me, I caught mine simply by taking out the rock it is hiding. Leave the rock in a dry pail and it will come out on its on.

I suspect there is another one in my tank still. Kept hearing the "click" sound once in awhile.

Hi bro...

i also took the rock out ( happen to rescape the LS) :P... and inject veri high in salt content water into the holes in the rock... the mantis just rush out... plus also crabs.. worms..start to flee out too. etcetc.. hehe..not forgetthing the piston shrimps ..:D.

as for the other mantis ..i was lucky... saw it coming out and going back into the hole in the LR... i standby a small plastic tank which u can buy for $2.50 at any LFS..near the hole and left it over night.. late morning when i woke up, it is inside liao......:D

by the way.. maybe the click click sound is made by piston shrimp ??? instead of mantis ??

cheers :)

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$2.50 small plastic tank? Hmm.. if it can go in, it can come out also right? How do the plastic tank trap it?

Thanks for sharing. Hearing you dip the rocks in hypersalinity water (Really salty), i am considering doing the same to all my rocks . Get rid of all the worms, crabs, shrimps all at once..

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$2.50 small plastic tank? Hmm.. if it can go in, it can come out also right? How do the plastic tank trap it?

Thanks for sharing. Hearing you dip the rocks in hypersalinity water (Really salty), i am considering doing the same to all my rocks . Get rid of all the worms, crabs, shrimps all at once..

hi bro ....

hmmm actually i du think it is a trap.. hmmm i think the mantis just happen (i was lucky i guess) :) to walk right into this one ... :D

cheers :)

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Thanks bro. Really appreciate your reply.

FYI, I got a Trap Pest (by Aquamedic) a few days ago and I almost caught a big crab last night. That fellow was trying to take the bait out but failed. I disturbed the trap to make it easier to enter but i think the fellow knows it's a trap after that.

Will try a different bait and a different placing tonight.

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Thanks bro. Really appreciate your reply.

FYI, I got a Trap Pest (by Aquamedic) a few days ago and I almost caught a big crab last night. That fellow was trying to take the bait out but failed. I disturbed the trap to make it easier to enter but i think the fellow knows it's a trap after that.

Will try a different bait and a different placing tonight.

cool bro ...

mind posting a pic of the trap... ????

sound veri interesting...


cheers :)

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hi to all ...

my mantis just ate ... happen to throw in some forzen brine shrimp left over frm feeding my main tank .. throw it into the small tank which was holding my mantis.. swop ..s swim out catch it.. and back into the shell it was hiding ... cool .. didn't know it take brime shrimp./.. :P

cheers :)

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Hi, Suddenly, I have interest in this thread coz I hear a rapid 5 clicks sound in my tank but I suspect it may come from the filter??

Can you confirm does the series of click sounds occur in very fast sequence or not too fast sequence?

I heard in the early morning. Is there a time of the day where they are more active making these click sounds?

Does the shrimp harm healthy fishes?

I do not wish to put my live rock in fresh water (coz I know the shrimp will come out if indeed it is there) and worse still there will be death of other organisms and when I put the rock back into the tank, the nitrates level will go up…..

Should I ignore it till I hear further clicks?

Yr advice is greatly appreciated.


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happy reefer, its difficult to speculate what causes the tick tick sound unless you have seen the mantis shrimp. It is high chance that there is one of them in the rocks but unless you see it we cannot be sure. Piston shrimps also makes the sound, turbo snails also makes the sound etc.

But yes, if you really do see one of the mantis, then take out the rock and leave it dry for awhile, that fellow will crawl out instantly because it needs water. No need to dip it in fresh water (At least that's how I caught mine).

They take out the small fishes when they grow big.

Lester, I will upload a picture of my trap pest box this evening probably.

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happy reefer, its difficult to speculate what causes the tick tick sound unless you have seen the mantis shrimp. It is high chance that there is one of them in the rocks but unless you see it we cannot be sure. Piston shrimps also makes the sound, turbo snails also makes the sound etc.

But yes, if you really do see one of the mantis, then take out the rock and leave it dry for awhile, that fellow will crawl out instantly because it needs water. No need to dip it in fresh water (At least that's how I caught mine).

They take out the small fishes when they grow big.

Lester, I will upload a picture of my trap pest box this evening probably.

:thanks: bro :D

cheers :D

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