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14000K/10000K bulbs

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Sorry, should read bulbs, not bulds

For the past 5 years i have used 10000K BLV 250W bulbs. Over the past months i have switched to Phoenix 14000K and Hamilton 14000K

I have previously commented on the differences in appearance between these bulbs and how they differ in different pendents.

Yesterday i switched 2 of the bulbs back to 10000k

I like the colour of the 14000K bulbs but they clearly in my tank have a negative effect on colour in certain corals. Some turquoise colour corals turned dark green and after several months fail to recover, corals below half way down in the tank, loose colour. I believe this is due to the reduced intensity. The options were to lower the lights which means more heat, move all corals to just below the surface, which i did not, or change back, which i did.

I will report later if these corals regain the colour and if others regain colour intensity. Please note this is just my experience, it may differ in your tanks

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Have not used the 14000K bulbs myself but I've heard a lot of negative comments coming from other reefers on the effects of the bulbs on SPS. Corals tend to darken, some colours totally lost and very slow growth rates.

I nearly changed to the 14000K bulbs during my last bulb change but am glad I stayed with the 10000K.

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From my limited experience, when I was using Phoenix 14KK previously for about

3 months, my reds, pinks, blues, purples were turning brown gradually. But the

yellow acros were turning green.

After changing to BLV 10KK as an experiment for two weeks, I observed that the

pinks, blues and purples are slowing returning. The pink has fully recovered.

Although the blues and purples has somewhat recovered, their polyps remain brown.

Now I'm into the fourth week of 10KK, I can observe that my reds are also returning.

But the green acro is also slowly returning to original yellow ... but I prefer it green.

Nevertheless, I'm glad to have switched to 10KK.

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in this way i should i change my 150w 6500k blub to a 250k 20 k bulb

just thought changing it today

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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From my limited experience, when I was using Phoenix 14KK previously for about

3 months, my reds, pinks, blues, purples were turning brown gradually. But the

yellow acros were turning green.

After changing to BLV 10KK as an experiment for two weeks, I observed that the

pinks, blues and purples are slowing returning. The pink has fully recovered.

Although the blues and purples has somewhat recovered, their polyps remain brown.

Now I'm into the fourth week of 10KK, I can observe that my reds are also returning.

But the green acro is also slowly returning to original yellow ... but I prefer it green.

Nevertheless, I'm glad to have switched to 10KK.

I fully agree with you.

With phoenix 14kk, growth is virtually non-existance. Acros colors are dark. Was using the phoenix 14kk for abt 6-8months.

Now back to BLV 10kk for about 3 months and colors are coming back.

So far from what I heard, everyone using the phoenix 14kk here don't have good results, but in RC you see them going crazy over the bulbs?

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I was quite fortunate to received 250w 15kk bulb (China) as gift from a close friend to try on my tank. I like the hues it gave but due to the fact that I do not have all the necessary equiptment to test, I can only go by my eyes. My wife and myself like the cool blue the 15kk gave us thus we decides to put our BLV 10kk aside and install the 15kk.

However, after couple of week, I notice slower growth to the 3 brown frags of sps I have. Also, the colour of my trachyphyllia at the bottom of my tank seems to get duller. But I have all dismissed it to maybe over stocking.

Until a few days ago, I rented a Canon 10D to take some photos of my tank. Immediately after I posted my pixs, one senior MSN me telling that my pixs are a little dark and asked whether I am using 150w.

I went to sleep that night pondering whether could it be the bulb and thus decides to change the buld the next day. After I have changed the bulb back to my 10kk (BLV), I re-took some pixs with exactly the same settings and saw some differences. :ooh:

I feel that since there is no proper equipments for us to measure the intensity it is very difficult for us to made the made the right judgment call. Thus I finds that it is important to consult the experts (especially our lighting sponsors) before we try our luck with cheaper alternatives. :D

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I still like the combination of 20k with 6.5k. The best of both world. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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I still like the combination of 20k with 6.5k. The best of both world. ;)

I agree with the 6.5K and 20K combination but I think it's only workable for 400W. 20K 250W don't have half the effect of the 400W.

Not advertising for BLV or what, but I've been using BLV 250W ever since starting SPS seriously and I don't think I'll change to another bulb any time soon. Good stuff

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I feel that since there is no proper equipments for us to measure the intensity it is very difficult for us to made the made the right judgment call. Thus I finds that it is important to consult the experts (especially our lighting sponsors) before we try our luck with cheaper alternatives. :D

If you want proper measurement, get this:


One reefer bought it and I carried it back for him. Tested and quite good. RC JB Sanjay has used this for his light test, I think.

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i'm using a single 20k 250W with a pair of 10k T5s to supplement my 2.5ft tank... wanted to swop over to 10k 250W but the thought of having much yellower light put me off... maybe i'll give it a try the next time my bulb change is due

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I never switched to 14k (when it became such a trend)... coz I have tried and tested and proven that 6500k/10k is excellent when combined with 20k for SPS.

You get awesome growth and colours...

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  • 1 month later...

Ive had a similiar experience when I decided to change all by bulbs to 14k AC's. I changed 2 bulbs to 10K Ab's and left one AC 14K. It was the perfect combination for me. I feel that using 14k's with 10k's make the color of the coral come out even more. When i had all 14K's for a day or so, all my colors looked washed out.. I lost the strong pinks and yellow. If you guys dont realize, the Japanese have mastered this. Depending on the coral species and color, you need to understand what kelvin color a coral will look better in.. shallow or deep. Purples, yellows, pinks look better under 10k's... longer Kelvin wavelengths while blues & greens look better under shorter wavelengths, 14k-20k. Dont base a single users experience to a fact. There are a lot of factors that are involved.

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i am using 250wattt 14k bulb now. :(:cry2:

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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