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need advice on new tank


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  • SRC Member

hi pple, im planning to set up a new tank and i need some advice.

the tank dimensions will be 36" x 36" x 30" and will be 10mm thickness.

question: does anyone here own a tank with 36" x 36" footprint?? if so what are the weaknesses??

the unusual size of the tank will mean it is custom made as well as the cabinet. im worried about the stress of the tank where it is sitting on the center of the cabinet...i mean,im not gonna put a vertical pillar in the sump area to support the center of the tank rite/ anyone can advice here?

i calculated the expected volume of the tank alone without the sump. it is around 168.31 gallons.

question: can i get a few recommendations on chillers please.

thanks guys.


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  • SRC Member

maybe u might wanna reduce the height of the tank...unless u have very long hands, if not the bottom will be very hard to reach...try to make it 24" tall...

as for 3ft and 3ft wide, u need to position your sump closer to the front...if not u'll have problem accessing to your sump..i suggest u position your sump sideway instead of all the way at the back...

external overflow seems to be a big hit in SRC...it allows more area within the tank...just to be kiasu, make at least 2 X 1" overflows, or even better 2 X 1 1/4" overflows...to maximise the option of return pumps...

make your sump bigger than required, so that u can dump more equips in and also a larger pool of water...build a fresh water reservoir too...

as for the cabinet, the center vertical beam is not necessary if the whole structure is build with thick wood...

if u are looking for tank maker, u can pm me...i still have the contact to a good tank maker, recommnded by lotsa reefers here...i never contact him b4, but i heard he is very helpful and fast....

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hi pple, im planning to set up a new tank and i need some advice.

the tank dimensions will be 36" x 36" x 30" and will be 10mm thickness.

I have a 2ft cube and can share some ideas.

1. If you are custom making the tank, get the tank maker to do the overflow in the center of the back glass. This will allow you to have 3 views (front, left and right) free from obstructions. If 'scape properly, each view will seems like a different tank!

2. 30 inch height might be too high. Mine's 24 inches in height with 4-5 inch DSB and I'm already finding it a bit difficult to clean the bottom. Note, I'm about 6 ft 2 in tall.

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