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  • SRC Member

Have seen many fellow reefer sellin away all/most of their corals before they shift house, what is ur opinion ... (some bedroom shift to living room oso clear tank :P)

really like to hear from u abt it .. is it a MUST/better move?

some say

i)since new tank may take awhile to mature ..

ii)shiftin coral/lr too troublesome ..

whats ur opinion .. ??

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  • SRC Member

If tank from bedroom to living,just get a few tubs to store LRs & LS & better to have few kakis to help.(but don't tell me your bedrm on the 3rd floor of a semi-d hor)

If moving house then I think decom better because on that day you will b bz & have to supervise movers & jaga all your belongs & stuff.

My 2cts :)

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  • SRC Member

i guess if its an internal movement of the tank discommissioning is not required since the corals and rocks can be placed in a few huge tubs with some circulation for some hours while u set up the tank in its new position.

but for moving house, since i will most likely take more than one day, selling off the corals is more of a responsive act.

just my $0.02

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  • SRC Member


bro KEEP UR ACRO..................!

u already keep them for so long and already see growth on them so wat is the use of selling?

i mean if u really want sell away, IMO i think sell off those big one ,dull colour, easy available one.............

keep those small n nice one..........................

dun worry they will suffer, i m sure ppl like deepblue,thc,me(if u want ur coral to die off) to tong bang for u awhile................. :D

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  • SRC Member

If I were you , I will take RISK moving everything but with proper planning. Since so many time , I rescape the tank, full tank water change, take out whole DSB, replase new DSB.

Or if you don't want to sell, hold some of your corals in our tank.

Charge FREE..................................

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Supporter

Suggest you sell them away, esp when most of your livestock are SPS.

I had a similar experience previously when I had to shift.

And like yourself, wanting to keep the batch of SPS in a new setup.

But now only have a large tub of acro skeletons as a reminder :(

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  • SRC Member
unless you like me lor.....brought house last october....to date wife still don't want to move ---now maybe she will move in June....:cry2:

then you have enough time to mature your tank lor.....

Ya, if you have time before the move then set up the new tank first. If not and you have space in your new place, you can keep them all in the tub with lights and all while waiting for the new tank to mature, then you have the best of both worlds. Otherwise you have no choice but to sell to avoid losses/death of LS as new tank will need to go through all the cycle again.

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  • SRC Member

Remembered my 70% causalties rate yrs bk and its only a tank to tank migration. :pinch:

Ct imagine when its a house to house migration.

So when movin, u r subject to lots of cons.

1. high sps death rate (mostly stn).

2. Lots of bag to pack individual colony = lots of items to move.

3. Hassle of moving them especially LRs, equip...etc.

4. Nd very good time management betw settin up new tank and decom old tank.

5. Too much handlin will stress ur sps as u nd to take up at least half a dae to arrange them in ur new tank. Those bag_up sps will be subjected to room temp fluctuation (so air con must b operational).

6. And dun forget.....u r movin hse nt tank only so u need time to plan ur new hm, move furniture, household items....bla bla.

Tats y i cleared mine ;) coz the idea of transferin my LRs and fishes oreadi.... :pinch:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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