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Maintenace Contract for 12 tanks


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  • SRC Member

This is a tender under www.gebiz.gov.sg for the maintenance of 12 marine tanks

for 1 year of different types ;i.e mudskippers, reef, fish, etc.

Detail as such:

Maintenance should include:

1. Twice a week service: -

a) Check and replenish stock, i.e. corals and fishes as deemed necessary

B) Cleaning of aquarium glass and filter

c) Equipment check i.e. pumps and chiller

d) Cleaning of filter wool and replacement when necessary

e) Removal of salt build up

f) Top up freshwater

g) Monitor trace elements, pH buffers and vitamins

h) Logging of check information at the Centre upon visit.

2. Replacement of activated carbon every 6 months (or earlier if required)

3. Cleaning of protein skimmer (where necessary)

4. Monthly water change

* Please highlight any other additional services provided

Think LFS will be bidding for it.

Any guys interested to work on it with me. ;)

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  • SRC Member

Not so easy. First, you must be a registered company and then you must be a member of gebiz. Last but not least, must vie with many others....lowest bid! Most likely goes to QH or CR or CF type.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member
:yeah::yeah: wah bro where u get the news ?? how much they willing to pay for such services ?? :yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::yeah::D

Price infos is confidential.

Just estimate the manpower cost and supplies required for the contract period.

Then add in some buffer.

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  • SRC Member
very interesting .....so, are the maintenance equipments supply by us or already have....we just follow the schedule?

We set the schedule & supply all expandable spares for the contract period;i.e

- filter media

- water top up

- live stock replenish, etc...

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  • SRC Member
Not so easy. First, you must be a registered company and then you must be a member of gebiz. Last but not least, must vie with many others....lowest bid! Most likely goes to QH or CR or CF type.

Look on the brighter side. Things don't always seem to be that difficult if we don't even try. Must give those 'LFS' some real competition.

I will likely make a site visit this week to get more infos.

Those interested can contact me.

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I would not be too optimistic if I were you. I had tender for a number of project (food-related biz) and lesson learn from it is that even though the tender looks transparent enough, it is not so. First, they do not disclose the tender bid of individual company. Next, if your company is new(just incorporated), they won't have much faith in it.

The only way to clinch or have a head start in it is to know someone inside. That is the true fact(open secret). Because they will always be able to justify their selection. Don't believe? Do you recall a tender that was report in the strait Time(many months back) that was reporting on a group of NTU guys bidding for a canteen and was awarded instead even wiith 30-40 tenderers(some even major player). The reason given is that the management is willing to give their student a try.

I did not bid then but I feel that injustic is done to the rest of the tender. They have to go for a briefing and on top of that, invest $ and time on the proposal. If you are one of the tenderer, I don't really know how you would feel?

Just to share my experience with you guys. Pls dun flame. :(

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  • SRC Member

my view is that in tender, a lot of time a vendor wins the tender is because he/she have done their homework. Even before the tender is out, they would have already been there to learn about the client's requirements, understand their needs etc, some of them even provided free protoypes/sample!!!....a lot of hardwork is already been done by these winners prior to tender...the why i see it is that tenders are a safegaurd to ensure that the government spends 'reasonably' near the market rates.....

for me....i would never go into tender if me or my bid partners have not done any preparation....no point wasting time....

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Well, at least give Lee some support for his enthusiasm!

Yeah... what tineng pointed out is true.... done enough government tenders to know the 'inside' story. ;)

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  • SRC Member
hehehe...all i was hinting is that if lee has done some prelim work with them - he will stand a better chance....

I did indeed tendered for last year contract for the following :-

Porcupine / puffer fish tank (4x2x2ft)

Mudskipper/mangrove plants tank (6x2x2ft)

Archer fish tank (4x2x2ft)

Horseshoe crab tank (4x2x2ft)

Coral reef tank (6x2x2ft)

Flashlight fish tank (4x2x2ft)

This time round they have 12 tanks instead of last year 6. As expected I don't get the tender. Some reasons being :-

1. as explained by Tineng is 'lack of homework'

2. by Acedophin 'open secret'

3. 'too high a bid'

4. the bidding company is not related to aquatic trade

I had done several tenders and yes never yet got any success with any Government board. But I guessed I will still try as I think '1' & '3' can be improved this time round but a bit difficult for '2' & '4'. If I'm not wrong the final tender bid price will be published as well.

PM me if those still interested to join bid or help in one way or an other.

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  • SRC Member

if you get by gebiz it will definately be published....just becarful of the T&Cs.....the governement to protect public interest draws up a very very KS T&Cs.....some essetially opens up unlimited liablities...

i have won tender before (very rare).....but alway as a results of hard homework....some starts as early as 1 year before the tender!!!! but then, my line of work might be different.... :P

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