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salfin Tang got some white marks..(iCk?)

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Hi Everyone out there....Recently, i saw my Salfin Tang having some so called -White Dots/patches on its body...and fin... a small amount...

At first sight, i thought it was White spots..but wHite spots are small dots and this are some white patches....it seems like white spots on the fins and a few too on its body..but some patches of white on its body too.... could it be Ick?

It is been with me for half a month and it is eating and peaking on my LR's..and showing Interest in food..good appitite too..but i'am afraid that it might be serious and therefore pass out.. :(

What should i do? I cant perform Hypo and dose copper as it is a reef tank , catching it out is impossible too as i might stress it ....

Advice needed ..

Thanks in advance.. :peace:

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Fungus? Parasites? In any case check your water parameters for any thing which might bring about stress. Your fish should recover by itself if all is well. ;) You can perform slight hyposalinity treatment. Don't go below a specific gravity of 1.018 (That's the lowest I tried).

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
Fungus? Parasites? In any case check your water parameters for any thing which might bring about stress. Your fish should recover by itself if all is well. ;) You can perform slight hyposalinity treatment. Don't go below a specific gravity of 1.018 (That's the lowest I tried).

huh? i tot 1.008?? ask weileong

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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huh? i tot 1.008?? ask weileong

Hehe..that's why I said slight. ;) Inverts don't take to lower salinity too well, but I have reached 1.018 safely, did'nt dare to go lower. It's much better than 1.025 if you suspect your fish is sick right? :)

Always something more important than fish.


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Fungus? Parasites? In any case check your water parameters for any thing which might bring about stress. Your fish should recover by itself if all is well. ;) You can perform slight hyposalinity treatment. Don't go below a specific gravity of 1.018 (That's the lowest I tried).

i duno what it is somehow it seems like ick , somehow it dosent...

icee...anyway,i'll try to lower down my SG slowly....now is ard 1.024

yea, too low my star cant take it...thanks ...

did u learnt any cure related to this in yr colleage? :P

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