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What say you abt the article in Sunday TimesPg8


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the article was extremely vague, providing very few details as to how their system actually works, but frmo the looks of it, this is what i can say

when i was reading the article, i can't help but feel they're talking about what we already know...bacteria to convert nh3 to no2 to no3. :P

i don't really feel that their system is in any way superior to the existing systems we use in our hobby

and also if u look at the photos, they only have hardy and easy things to keep like clownfishes and leather soft coral

if they were keeping lps or sps,with the system they're using, i bet they wouldn't say no change water for a year

but like i said, the article is very vague, i feel like calling them to clarify on the system they're using...too bad no number provided to call :)

for the benefit of those without newspaper, give me a couple of minutes to scan the article

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guys, I think it is the IOS system that CR aquarium exhibit last yr during aquarama...


My nano tank is running on a similar system. But this type of system cannot have high bioload.... IOS is too small to handle large amt of fishstock. Check out my tank... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=28746&st=0

But if u notice their tank, there are no coraline algae...... not a positive sympton in my opinion. Their tank probably cannot support LPS / SPS at this pt.

well, I believe we get to see it again in Aquarama this may... can't wait.. :D

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  • SRC Member

here's the picture beside the article

please hold on while i scan the main article

mods, if the picture is too big pls forgive because the words are too small so the picture has to be alittle bit oversized so that everyone can read


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  • SRC Member

i think it just boils down to what u r keeping in the tank.. what i saw was some leathers and lots of clownfishes... and GREEN LRs.. they could afford nt to change water w/o knowing the health of the corals and fishes..

i bet their parameters are way off from our standards...

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  • SRC Member

alright, i saw this thing last year when i was contemplating a new tank. I saw it at Suntec. i noticed tat they're using hundreds of bio balls in the first compartment of the sump and a weipro skimmer in the 3 rd compartment. I believe that the bacterial growth is from the bioballs. But the thing i'm concerned about is the possible amount of debris tat may be collected at the sides of the balls and become a giant nitrate factory.

2nd ting is that the volume of their sump is designed in such a way dat water cannot overflow in times of a power-supply cut-off. the design depends on the huge volume of the sump tank tp prevent overflow. Why would i build such a huge tank below to contain water if i can elevate my return pipe?

besides, the sales stuff kept on insisting that their system is infalliable and flawless and kept wanting to sell their system to me. :( so....i went down to their factory and hoped to gain more insight into their line of products. to my disappointment, no one bothered to explain their system and simply insisted that their system is the best. no need clean tank 1.

one laughable thing is that when i asked them about leftover food and shit flowing down to the sump and collecting at the bioballs, they said that the powerheads will blow the food and shit into powder.. :blink: brine shrimp included?

the immense amount of bioballs simply for the purpose of culturing bacteria is obviously not what i want, for i feel that a few packets of biohome and a refugium can do the job.

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haha... from what i read.... it sounds like a wet/dry filtration system... (isnt it already been invented veri long time ago?)...

and the end product is nitrate.... not nitrogen.... therefore, it is JUST a wet/dry system that uses bioballs... dun see wat is so special bout the system... :blink:

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  • SRC Member

haha, i bet if they had a guy from SRC working on the research project with them, then they wouldn't publish sth like that or they'd probably show a tank with lps or sps inside... :P

i feel so paiseh for them...no offense to anyone

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  • SRC Member

Just goes to show in every industry, there r people out to con yr $$$.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member

over breakfast my dad showed this article to me... i and my mum started laughing :lol::lol::lol: i think someone ought to write feedback on this matter to the Sunday Times to avoid people setting up a marine tank on the wrong path and wasting ALOT of cash ;) i mean this "no need to clean fish tank for a year" being used as a FOWLR is ok but can u imagine the corals that are going to suffer and possibly die in that system :( i wonder if that squamosa in the pic is getting enough lights ;)

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  • SRC Member
over breakfast my dad showed this article to me... i and my mum started laughing :lol::lol::lol: i think someone ought to write feedback on this matter to the Sunday Times to avoid people setting up a marine tank on the wrong path and wasting ALOT of cash ;) i mean this "no need to clean fish tank for a year" being used as a FOWLR is ok but can u imagine the corals that are going to suffer and possibly die in that system :( i wonder if that squamosa in the pic is getting enough lights ;)

i would love to write in

what's stopping me is the fact that the article doesn't give detailed information on how exactly does the system work.

also, it isn't a system come up by a lfs, it was a system developed by students from singapore poly...as such, i don't think there's a commercial reason over the development of the system

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