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Snails for Algae control

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys

Just like you share with you on some snails(with pictures) that can take control of the algae that you have in your tank. You might have heard of it in some of the overseas forum, but for some reason, these snails are "Ang Moh" to us, which means some of them cannot be found locally. I have in my new tank 2 kinds of snail that really take care of those algae, just like to share with you folks.

This small snail take cares of the diatom(light brown stuff) found on the top of the sand and also on the glass surface.


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  • SRC Member

The outlook of the snail features above. Sorry for the long post, but just like to share because everytime I went to a LFS and tell them a name of the snail that other forum recommend, they will say " What is That" :blink:

Hope the above information is useful to you guys and these are readily local available.


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  • SRC Member
Hi guys

Just like you share with you on some snails(with pictures) that can take control of the algae that you have in your tank. You might have heard of it in some of the overseas forum, but for some reason, these snails are "Ang Moh" to us, which means some of them cannot be found locally. I have in my new tank 2 kinds of snail that really take care of those algae, just like to share with you folks.

This small snail take cares of the diatom(light brown stuff) found on the top of the sand and also on the glass surface.

if the snails cannot be obtain locally, may i know where did u get yours?

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  • SRC Member

I mean those special snail like fighting conhes, Astrea, Margarita snail, these are very well know in the west to fight against algae. If you were to tell the LFS you want the above, they will stare blank at you, my purpose of posting is to let our local community, espically those new to the hobby, that they can get normal snails that LFS bring in to get rid of algae easily without having obtain those "Westernised Snail" :D get it? Further more I have proven that they work for the snails that I have.

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But CT...

They shit a lot leh.... :o

My seahorse tank used to have a few of them...wa lao...no algae left but lots of dropping trails :lol:

They can really shit!

*They tend to make "clucking" sounds whenever they rotate their shells (to shit) n it hits the tank's surface.

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Hehehe...hey CT...I've always wanted to ask u...the CT in the pic...is that yours?

CTs r so beautiful...if only they were reef-safe...I'd be so happie to get one for my main tank! :)

I'm gonna break the cycle

I'm gonna shake up the system

I'm gonna destroy my ego

I'm gonna close my body now

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  • SRC Member

haha, I wish they were, my wife is the one that search the picture and put it there. Can't deny it, they are one of the best looking fish around. Used to keep one that is 1.5cm in my current tank, but died after half a year :( go for those small one as they are cute.

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