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Stocking Saltwater Aquarium

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Phase 5 - Add a Detritus Attack Pack

Now that you've established your aquarium and added fish and invertebrates, you should add a Detritus Attack Pack to help maintain healthy water parameters. The invertebrates in these attack packs feed on leftover food and waste from fish and other invertebrates. If insufficient detritus-eating invertebrates are present, the unconsumed food and waste will ultimately serve as nutrients for unwanted algae. Simply choose the Detritus Attack Pack that fits the size of your aquarium.

What is Detritus Attack Pack ?

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Go back to the article website... click on "Tank Cleaners" icon somewhere at the top... it should tell u what "Detritus Attack Pack" is about...

Just another fancy "marketing-ploy" name used by the website... it's basically your tank clean-up crew... can be hermit crabs, emerald crabs, stars and all...

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You can get nassarius snails from Maxima as he has success breeding them. Good scavengers on the sandbed... will help you clean up excess food or dead carcasses.

Here's my crew everytime food hits the water, they rise up from the sandbed like zombies! :)


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Hmmm..i have one of those in my tank..came out of nowhere...lucky I did'nt kill it. I thought it was the miniature form of a conch....those snails that shoot harpoons to capture fish and devour them... :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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Maxima where are u.................. pl pm me

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member
You can get nassarius snails from Maxima as he has success breeding them. Good scavengers on the sandbed... will help you clean up excess food or dead carcasses.

Here's my crew everytime food hits the water, they rise up from the sandbed like zombies! :)

My snails aspire to rise up like mummies.

In fact, they rise so much, they climb over the glass and fall right onto my floor.

That is where they become dessicated mummies, but I haven't seen them rise up yet. :upsidedown:

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