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Another no need to change water tank setup.


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  • SRC Member

Hi dudes

Happened to go to Bishan juction 8 this evening and found a small marine and fresh water tank exhibition like thingy by a certain C*r*l ###### Aquarium at the new wing of the shopping centre. Was surpise that the leaflets of the setups available says the following:

"What's so special about New Generation System Tank?

NG system tank (Internal Biological Filtration System) incorporates "gravity flow" technology that basically helps to provide oxygen-rich envoirnment for bacteria to grow, converting ammonia into nitrites and then to nitrate which is not only HARMLESS but very ESSENTIAL for the well-being of your precious fish."

Yes, the bold was highlighted in the leaflet too! I assume they are talking about marine setups cos all the pics in the leaflets are all marine tanks though there have FW tanks in the exhibition area. So my question is when had nitrate been essential to fishes (dun even want to talk about corals) since nitrate in their natural environment is zero???

Its boosts the same singapore polytechnic many years of research, many awards, many articles craps. And out of pure cheekiness I asked one of the staff there the question above... and in which he replied, "Its been proven by singapore polytechnic research, many people actually dun know about it." At this time I just shook my head and left. FYI the marine tank setups uses the following simple equipments:

PL lights

Weipro 2011

Really sad that more people are gonna be con by them and utimately its the LS that ended up dead. How many more ppl are gonna end up posting "My corals and fishes keeps dying!" here? Is there a case on it to be brought up to CASE?

No wonder most fishes there are chromis and damsels... the corals like open brain are bleaching too. May I suggest to SRC that we should educate the public about high levels of nitrates and inadequate lightings in marine aquariums in the upcoming Aquarama 2005... though it may go head to head with some exhibitors there (maybe do it subtly). But the thought that many LS will be perished in such systems should touch some conscience among reefers here.

My 35 cents here... dun mean to flame any aquarium businesses but in the first place they shouldn't con consumers too... its them that are the real reef murderers.


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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  • SRC Member
people wanna do what just let them do.. just mind what you are saying.. this is a open forum... you know right.. just be careful.. :D

This forum is still subjected to moderations lah... not fully "open". :fear:

My point is there is in fact a misleading information being put out to the public in an attempt to profit from it... and the real casualties are fishes and corals.


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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