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Riot Reef


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You know, I have always wondered how the other reefers can achieve such FANTASTIC reefs. I am talking about people like dan, wl, alfa, etc. I realise its gotta be discipline, dedication, patience. Its soemthing to work towards to, but to tell the truth, I think I am too laid back (and undedicated) to the hobby to make the sacrifice. Some of the reefers in Singapore are REALLY good- you can see how short a time it took for people like scarab to make it on the international scene. I think the hobby in singapore has really exploded in terms of quality. And its really nice to see "our" tanks reflected in the idol thread in RC.


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You know, I have always wondered how the other reefers can achieve such FANTASTIC reefs. I am talking about people like dan, wl, alfa, etc. I realise its gotta be discipline, dedication, patience. Its soemthing to work towards to, but to tell the truth, I think I am too laid back (and undedicated) to the hobby to make the sacrifice. Some of the reefers in Singapore are REALLY good- you can see how short a time it took for people like scarab to make it on the international scene. I think the hobby in singapore has really exploded in terms of quality. And its really nice to see "our" tanks reflected in the idol thread in RC.

Yep, totally agreed! Need alot of dedication!

For now I just drool at those old bird reef.

And maybe one day mine will be like them. :)

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Thanks guys.

BH, good advice. I dont really know how to operate my camera, though. Only buttons i use is macro mode and flash on/off. I have to admit, the first pic was EDITED with an automatic "enhance" function on the image editor on my mac. Its really really not thay blue.. its more like a baby blue. Please dont flame me.


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Thanks Alfa. Its all due to the KZ Aminos I have been dosing irregularly. Wonder if your special CV stuff would work miracles on this reef.

The CV is working fine so far for the last 1 week or so. I can see noticable differences in the polpys extension and colors (not very very different but subtly different). Would you be interested to get one and try if I have a spare bottle? :)

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I think a lot of the success of these "old birds" (they are not really that old by the way) is due to the information available on SRC. Thats why it really breaks my heart when the community degrades into a flame fest and peope start bashing instead of sharing. We have all the advantages- fresh coral supplies, relatively cheap equipment, strong homegrown DIY industry. I would really love it if reefers give strong support to the newbies starting out - you could have an AT in that midst, a potential RC TOTM candidate given the proper support. Name any country other than the US and maybe Germany with the level of reefing we have. Pretty impressive score.


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Thnaks for the offer Alfa but to tell you the truth. I am broke. Working on the pathetic $100 per week budget I have, I will have to starve to pay for the KZCV. Thanks anyway :).

You do have a good eye. Reason why I am broke - recent PR's indo shipment. Should be hardier than the fickle fiji stuff but in my reef, the sps got to be rugged like M1 Abrams to survive. Specially for you- my last pic tonite.


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Ok fellas thats it. You all might notice I have a bit more non sps material in there. Easier to keep, less hassle, less $ down the drain. You dont have to have a full fledged SPS reef to make the grade, as long as it fits your budget, time, skill, and you like it. You might want to keep softies over FLs over a macro/ weipro skimmer, but with the right scaping, its going to be alright. Its a hobby afterall, lets enjoy it. RELAX. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks guys.

Happy- I have a 100g+ tank and I suspect I will need 2 bottles, 1 mega dose at 3 times the concentration required to eradicate, then a followup a week later to "guarantee"

Alfa- hey really appreciate you coming in to help me on this. My thread is full of very pertinent advice, and I will once again take up on your tip. :) Gonna get meself a 6 line once I nuke the b@st@rds!

Anyway, confirm its flatworm. I dunked a rock in fresh water and the little brown jelly like things started sloughing off. Yikes! Makes my skin crawl.

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