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Pix of my sump area

Calcium Reactor is a deltec PF600

Skimmer is a deltec AP850.

Zeovit reactor that is currently jammed stuck due to too much rough handling (er I dont shake it up too much nowadays)

Sump is an Ian's acrylic unit. Approx 2 ft.

Tubby and large IKEA top off container that i suspect might be breeding mozzies. Gotta do something about it.


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Yet another shot of my tank.

Nothing special really- only nice thing is the pink and purple coralline rocks. Otherwise, sps struggling, LPS doing ok. But its the truth, no foto editing here, plus I enjoy my pathetic slice oft he ocean, and thats all that matters. :) So for those who are thinking of throwing in the towel, hey, it aint that bad. :heh:


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The two tunzes can kill the bubbles quite easily but I have toned it down. Not sure hows the impact on my remaining SPS.

Checked my water para today and its out of whack- CA480, KH 6. Shut down my CR's CO2 intake and dosed KH buffers. Hopefully this will solve the imbalance. Good time to take a look at my leaky aquabee pump but no time leh. Packed with work this couple of days might have to wait till weekend.

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This SPS biz is getting expensive. I am going LPS and softies soon, and retain my surviving hard corals at the top where the 400w is best. Not going to buy anymore SPS- money down the drain for a limited skill fella like me. I will sit back and watch the other great hardcore tanks from now on- cheaper too.

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This SPS biz is getting expensive. I am going LPS and softies soon, and retain my surviving hard corals at the top where the 400w is best. Not going to buy anymore SPS- money down the drain for a limited skill fella like me. I will sit back and watch the other great hardcore tanks from now on- cheaper too.

Agree with you bro, but I think just maintain what you have

and let it grow! ;)

But when come shipment, we SPS addict will still kaykay,

go down and accidentally buy. :lol:

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Shit. Dosed already. Aw man, this sucks.

But thanks for the advice, WL. :)

You could try adding very small amounts of kH addictives at a time. Probably with adding kH addictives is that they kH would be raise in a short amount of time and hence this cause stress to the SPS especially under a low nutrient enviroment.

Maybe monitor the kH consumption rate properly and setup a continous dripping system might work, you want to give it a shot ?

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Thats why SRC is such an excellent resource- lots of great advice but idiot me too tanching went ahead and shot already.

I set up a drip system last night and delivered a couple of heaping tablespoons of Seachem Reef Builder into my system. SPS still alive when I got back but once I have settled my work I am going to run another test.

But WL you are right, i really should monitor the rate properly. Perhaps over the weekend i if can get my work done.

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give me a minute and I will zap a coupla fotos.

Heh heh Alfa- the zeoreactor is jammed so tight it will take a gorilla to do the zeo shake. Besides, I am so lazy havent been doing the daily exercise for a while now. Now, I know you guys are hardcore zeoheads, but for everyday slack reefers like me, its too complicated and time consuming. No discipline, no patience, RIOT Reef :heh:

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