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  • SRC Member

Side view from the right

As can be seen I have a bit of hair algae on the live rock. I harvest a nice handful each week, but the Phospates read zero. It could be from the live rocks leaching PO as they were from my old tank. Hoping the zeovit can solve this issue.


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  • SRC Member

Thanks. I was debating over whether I wanted a more natural reef, or one that showcased as much corals as possible. In the end, I figured natural is better, as I would therefor need less corals, , have more circulation and RTN cases, room to grow, places to place frags.


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  • SRC Member

Sad to say, I am not loaded. To pay for the deltec, I have to stinge on my corals. I generally buy cheap browned out corals at dirt cheap prices (some for as low as $10, most $20) and hope for the best. Hence, my reef does not realy have the vibrant colours and gems other reefers have. I am ok with that, and hope more for growth. Besides, I doubt my husbandry skills and would be broken if I have a massive RTN.


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Sad to say, I am not loaded. To pay for the deltec, I have to stinge on my corals. I generally buy cheap browned out corals at dirt cheap prices (some for as low as $10, most $20) and hope for the best. Hence, my reef does not realy have the vibrant colours and gems other reefers have. I am ok with that, and hope more for growth. Besides, I doubt my husbandry skills and would be broken if I have a massive RTN.

Well done.. not many ppl can stinge on coral for equipments... usually the other way rd :bow::bow:

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  • SRC Member

Thanks nicky. Lets keep my occupation classified, eh?

I have pretty good colouring so far, and average growth. Recently had some STN cases when my KH fell to 4! Boosted that up and overnight improvement to the corals. I had more vibrant blues.


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  • SRC Member

Thanks dispar. It should look better when I get more serious growth.

System specs are like this:

2X tunzes

IX I-Calcium Reactor (Experimental Model) with ARM & Mag Pro

1X Deltec AP850 (which I dont credit the reef development as I had just plugged it in. My HS 2000 deserves the credit)

1X 05hp Reef Relief

1X I-Zeo Reactor

1X400w MH with BLV10kk


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Thanks dispar. It should look better when I get more serious growth.

System specs are like this:

2X tunzes

IX I-Calcium Reactor (Experimental Model) with ARM & Mag Pro

1X Deltec AP850 (which I dont credit the reef development as I had just plugged it in. My HS 2000 deserves the credit)

1X 05hp Reef Relief

1X I-Zeo Reactor

1X400w MH with BLV10kk

Wah you also using 400 watter.. have to admit... they give good growth but hard to blend with t5s

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  • SRC Member

I dont run a DSB anymore and filtration is thru live rock, the zeovit system, the deltec. This allows me to run the tunzes with impunity, and perhaps add in one more so that I will have no dead space.

I was also told that a 4 ft tank should use 2 MH fixtures. I figured the additional heat load and energy wasnt worth it. With a 1/2 ft overflow, my actual display was 3.5ft. The Left side was the overflow, the right side I kept 0.5ft for space and cliff display, so the mushies can hide. That way, I maximised the SPS display in the middle with the intensive light. With 400w, I can keep sps as the sandbed. Maybe a table down at groud level? Should be cool.


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I dont run a DSB anymore and filtration is thru live rock, the zeovit system, the deltec. This allows me to run the tunzes with impunity, and perhaps add in one more so that I will have no dead space.

I was also told that a 4 ft tank should use 2 MH fixtures. I figured the additional heat load and energy wasnt worth it. With a 1/2 ft overflow, my actual display was 3.5ft. The Left side was the overflow, the right side I kept 0.5ft for space and cliff display, so the mushies can hide. That way, I maximised the SPS display in the middle with the intensive light. With 400w, I can keep sps as the sandbed. Maybe a table down at groud level? Should be cool.

Yup thats why i stuck with 400 watt and nv change.. despite i quit sps and go full zoos.... You need spread just lift lighting set higher... dun worry abt penertration as 400watt I would say is enough to penetrate close to sand bed or maybe even to your sand bed

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  • SRC Member

Yes, Dispar- you are completely right. The BLVs are difficult to tone down, so I run 2X2ft T5s and 1X 3ft T5s blue to mask the yellow. A DIY moonlight allows me to watch the fish at night, esp when I get insomnia.

Lighting schedule is as follows:

T5s on - 1100

MH on - 1300

MH off - 2100

Moon on - 2230

T5s off -2300

Moonoff - 0630


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  • SRC Member

My fav stag. Might not look much, but it came in brown and at $10. The colour has faded (looks bleached) but polyps look strong. The tip was a rich deep electric blue, but with the zeovit, it has faded to a very soft pastel. I prefer the stronger colours though.


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  • SRC Member

Last bit.

Superglued a frag to the return pipe. The frag RTN and lost all the tissue on the skeleton, but the polyps remained dark. The tissue have regenerated and since then has looked Ok. with luck they will encrust and produce a staghorn return


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