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HELP..clam shrinking!!!


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to all clam sifoos,

i bot a 2in calm 1 week ago, it was doing fine until this morning, it shrunk!!!usually when my t5s are on it sorta grow big but this morning it doesnt!!!i hv a bicolor dwarf angel but i didnt see it nibbing on it.what could it be??all of a sudden??

so i quickly moved it into my sump but no changes.it use to respond well to my hands.everytime i fiddle with my tank it shrinks but not today.i feed it with aquaz pytho every alternative day.reason of buying clams = to keep no3 low..maybe i should hv kept it in the sump :( any solutions

pls advise....bro chinmo you there??anyone ...pls reply

thanking in advance :)

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  • SRC Member
clam take in calcium dude.. not plython.. this wad i noe lah,, don flame mi..

juz my 2cent..

clams take phyto as food. calcium is for shell growth. without these 2, ur clams will not grow... ;)

I gotta feeling..Woo...hoo....That tonight's gonna be a good night.....That tonight's gonna be a good, good night!

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  • SRC Member
to all clam sifoos,

i bot a 2in calm 1 week ago, it was doing fine until this morning, it shrunk!!!usually when my t5s are on it sorta grow big but this morning it doesnt!!!i hv a bicolor dwarf angel but i didnt see it nibbing on it.what could it be??all of a sudden??

so i quickly moved it into my sump but no changes.it use to respond well to my hands.everytime i fiddle with my tank it shrinks but not today.i feed it with aquaz pytho every alternative day.reason of buying clams = to keep no3 low..maybe i should hv kept it in the sump :( any solutions

pls advise....bro chinmo you there??anyone ...pls reply

thanking in advance :)

hw many t5s u using? what's e distance between ur t5s and ur clam? 2 inch clam would need phyto to grow... not no3. :pinch:

I gotta feeling..Woo...hoo....That tonight's gonna be a good night.....That tonight's gonna be a good, good night!

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too late..my clam perished....boo hoo :(

dymax 20w T5NO,1x 10k 1xactinic,distance abt 7-8 inch from light source...total height 1.5 ft

i love clams especially chinmo's....:) will upgarde my lightings to aquaz T5HO this time..will it be sufficent 2xHO 2XNO??for clams??

so how big a size of clams to control NO3??

anyway what could be the reason of my clam dying??what should i do next time??preventions??pls advise

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  • SRC Member
too late..my clam perished....boo hoo :(

dymax 20w T5NO,1x 10k 1xactinic,distance abt 7-8 inch from light source...total height 1.5 ft

i love clams especially chinmo's....:) will upgarde my lightings to aquaz T5HO this time..will it be sufficent 2xHO 2XNO??for clams??

so how big a size of clams to control NO3??

anyway what could be the reason of my clam dying??what should i do next time??preventions??pls advise

not sure hw to prevent also.... hope other clam fanatic will chime in.... in my case those clams that shrink... will die for sure. :( 1.5 ft too far liao, best place ur maxima or crocea just below the water surface. so it be 3-4 inches away from t5s only. ;)

imo, alot of clams and clams of 1 ft in shell will do somethin to lower the no3. squamosa and derasa the best! :yeah:

I gotta feeling..Woo...hoo....That tonight's gonna be a good night.....That tonight's gonna be a good, good night!

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recently my clam also suffered the same fate as yours

the only difference is mine was doing well for a mth before sth this unfortunate happened.

what's puzzling is my water parameters are nothing less than perfect

i sourced around different websites and forums to find out the cause and there were many different explanations

from www.clamdirect.com i got the info as my cleaner shrimp nibbling on the clam stressing it and causing it to die

from wetwebmedia, the author told another reefer with the same problem in a faq session that clams are known to die suddenly without a reason

henry from ml told me that it could very well be a viral attack

for me all 3 are very possible explanations...definitely need to read up more and possibly ask more people before i can conclude what was the cause of the death of the clam

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