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clam suddenly die, lps acting wierdly


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  • SRC Member

my clam for a month suddenly died today, i removed its from the tank before it started to decompose

my hammer very wierd, close up very very tight, frogspawn not opening as big as usual and jewel never extend tentacles as long as it should. my leather also doesn't inflate when lights are on and are flaccid

i'm thinking water parameter got problem. i quickly did a 10% water change already

my question is what could've possibly caused my clam to die and such widespread negative reaction among my corals?

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maybe ur clam, got parasite feeding on it, those cone shape snail.

your NO3 might be high PO4 also.

anyway just my two cents.

pyramid snails. evrything might be going haywire due to the pollution caused by the clam's demise.

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  • SRC Member

all my major water parameters of Ca, no3, po4, nh3 and no2 have been stable from day 1 so i don't think they're the cause

btw, my no3 is a stable 20ppm

bro dispar,i've been dosing tropic marin bio MG since my Mg only 1100ppm and recently started dosing tropic marine iodine. i add 2 drops everyday into my 500L system

pyramid snails? i've been looking but see no pyramid snails....i also have a 6line wrasse inside...shouldn't the snails have been eaten up by now?....jus my pt of view

anyway, i've got 2 clams, one died but the other is doing very very well so i doubt its pyramid snails since if that's the case both clams would've been affected

i did notice sth strange about my cleaner shrimp...he likes to nimble on the mantle of the clam that died...now that i've removed the dead one he's doing this to the other...i can't tell if its peeling off flesh or just cleaning the clam's shell cause it usually happens at night and so the clam is close shut....any ideas guys?

the clam didn't rot away in my tank....it merely deflated to a point where i could tell it'll die soon so i removed it...since it didn't rot in my tank doesn't it mean it hasn't polluted the water?

yeah bro diabolus,everything seems wrong, if only the corals could talk and tell me what's wrong

anyway, i did a 10% water change last night and the hammer seems to be better, it doesn't close up very tight like last night.

but i noticed sth new, one of the head of the hammer has developed a big bubble...sth that looks like a blister....poke should burst

any idea what is that or why it has developed?

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  • SRC Member
u may need to reduce your nitrates further by a better skimmer or other means...

20ppm nitrates may have been a stress trigger for your clam.



pt taken...i'm currently testing out my jus completed coil denitrator...hope it helps with the nitrate

so the nitrate explains the clams but what about the corals that've been acting strangely?

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well...many factors can be involved....why don't you solve the nitrate problem first and eliminate one factor out of the equation.

and instead of tackling the nitrate problem at the end result, why don't you solve the problem at the root of it, before organics turn into nitrates.....reduce your organics level in the water column by less feeding/less stocking/better skimmer and so on.....and the eventual results will be less nitrates...

and you got one less equipment (denitrator) to meddle with and one less equipment for Mr Murphy to visit.

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  • SRC Member
well...many factors can be involved....why don't you solve the nitrate problem first and eliminate one factor out of the equation.

and instead of tackling the nitrate problem at the end result, why don't you solve the problem at the root of it, before organics turn into nitrates.....reduce your organics level in the water column by less feeding/less stocking/better skimmer and so on.....and the eventual results will be less nitrates...

and you got one less equipment (denitrator) to meddle with and one less equipment for Mr Murphy to visit.

hm ok


think its time for me to stop hesitating and get a hns....have been thinking bout this for months

how about coral chips in the central compartment of my sump...i've been using them as a means of bacterial back up...would it be a good idea to remove them?

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The whole lump of them would have trapped decaying matter, if you want...u can always rinse them regularly with tank water during water change and put them back to retain the beneficial bacteria...maybe u can put them in a plastic tray with holes so that its easier to lift them up for a rinse now and then to dislodge the particles trapped within them.

but many will advise you to get rid of it once and for all.

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  • SRC Member
but i noticed sth new, one of the head of the hammer has developed a big bubble...sth that looks like a blister....poke should burst

any idea what is that or why it has developed?

remember i told u guys about a blister that formed in the hammer? well just now, while looking at the hammer, i saw the blister that has formed on it burst and i saw white smoke coming out.

is the hammer reproducing by releasing sperm??????? :shock:

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  • SRC Member

Hi Shoelvy!

recently started dosing tropic marine iodine. i add 2 drops everyday into my 500L system

My suspect is the iodine part you add every day...... Too much iodine is lethal except for the few like xenia..... U might want to get a iodine test kit to test the level to confirm that.

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

remember i told u guys about a blister that formed in the hammer? well just now, while looking at the hammer, i saw the blister that has formed on it burst and i saw white smoke coming out.

is the hammer reproducing by releasing sperm??????? :shock:

Maybe it could be dying, is it opening when the bubble is formed ? i use to have a frogspawn, it died after giving out white smoke and did not open.


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  • SRC Member
Hi Shoelvy!

My suspect is the iodine part you add every day...... Too much iodine is lethal except for the few like xenia..... U might want to get a iodine test kit to test the level to confirm that.

i also suspected that so i've stopped dosing iodine

anyway, can u guys tell me how do u guys add iodine without overdosing?

u guys do that with a iodine test kit?

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hmm from what i know, overdose of iodine is not good

i was told that dun dose iodine is the best

i think you have to change your skimmer bro

i also using macro~~ for solid results~~ you cant

depend on this skimmer

i also thinking of changing to h & S

my tank now dun even have a single fish at all

and my no2 is less then 5 ppm

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  • SRC Member
hmm from what i know, overdose of iodine is not good

i was told that dun dose iodine is the best

i think you have to change your skimmer bro

i also using macro~~ for solid results~~ you cant

depend on this skimmer

i also thinking of changing to h & S

my tank now dun even have a single fish at all

and my no2 is less then 5 ppm

gotcha bro

i'm seriously considering hns...hoping to get a good deal and find out more bout it first like if it'll fit in my sump

thanks for telling me more about my macro being not dependable for good results

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  • SRC Member

maybe can consider deltac too

I also getting one in sump model too~~

maybe can wait until aquarama to check for more skimmer

who know might see some weirdo ones that we never set

our eyes before

if pocket allow~~ it is always best to buy a better skimmer

rather they using one that in the end have to pay more

to get a better one

this is a lesson that i learnt

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