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Sea Lettuce


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I been recieving quite a few PM with regards to the Sea Lettuce. I will be posting a few pic of it. I am selling $5/- for a big pack enough to fill a small refugium. Interested, u can pm or sms me.

First Pic is how does it look like..


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Pic of refugium with sea lettuce in it. Take note that sea lettuce does not come attached with any LR. It is just free floating. But if you have a large amount of it, it will hold onto each other and "stick" together.


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it seems to grow...but then i only using 13w of PL light for my refugium and i always pluck out some to put in my main tank for tangs to eat. My main sea lettuce tank is growing quite fast under natural sunlight.

for those who's been to my house should have seen the container outside containing the sea lettuce..

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FuEl Posted on Sep 3 2003, 01:31 AM

  East coast got alot also.. 

all marcoaglae comes from the sea.. so not suprising if you can find some over there..all the sea lettuce is suppose to be food for the herbvious fishes...i think east coast can get caulerpa. but sea lettuce is not so common nowsday. maybe u can try going there to search.

It is like saying East coast also got marine fishes/coral out there also..Fuel, maybe you can try to go and catch and put inside your tank..then can save alot of $$.

but is it really worth the effort to go and find and get the marine fish/sea lettuce etc and you might not really get it.

but if can get sea lettuce from east coast..you also should not put inside the tank straight away (espically when east coast water is so polluted) and you need to wash etc...to ensure that it would not pollute or bring in any foreign objects into your tank.. just my word of advice.. :thanks:

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as there is alot of interest in this sea lettuce and alot of reefer staying in the north/west side. I will be willing to arrange a date either this sat/sun and bring the sea lettue down to maybe raffles place or city hall mrt there to meet and pass to you guys? else you have to come down to my house to take.

can i have know how many people want to meet either sat or sun at maybe about 12pm? or 4pm ???so that i can confirmed.

however, if only one or two reefer want to meet at central, then i would cancel it. however if the response is good, i would go ahead with meeting at central..


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seareefer Posted on Sep 4 2003, 06:44 PM

  yo give me a pack pick it up at your place sun night can. 

[P]owder Blue Posted on Sep 4 2003, 12:04 PM

  Day, I need one pack. PM you liao .. 

just msg or call me when u want to pick it up.

coralreef Posted on Sep 4 2003, 10:17 AM

  how many ppl are meeting at the central???...cos I'm staying in the West too 

so far you the only one

anyone else want to meet at central? then i can at one time pack everything and pass it to you guys.either on sat or sun


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