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My humble 3ft - PLEASE ADVICE -


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Hi all, these are some pictures of my new tank that i would like to share with all of my bros and sis in SRC.

Pls feel free to comment and flame me if i have done anything wrong.

specs are....

3x2x2 12mm cabinet

resun CL-650 chiller

macro 250 skimmer

around 70-80kg of LR

rio HF14 as return pump

seio 820

am still hestitating on what lights i should get


1. This is the pic of my new tank-


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thanks dispar,

just a new beginning.

Got lots more to learn.

This is what i added in the sump...

did i do anything wrong?

can i add more sand on the bottom left side??

can anyone advice me pls?


woah nice and neat..... hmm why macro... not going better skimmer

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HI diabolus !!

im absolutely clueless on whether the pump is enough or not...

but for the time being ..i can see a ripple thats create by the return down pipe.

3. a pic of the tank... my tiger prawn at left bottom...cooked...hehe

Hmm nice scape... the tiger is big :blink::blink:

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Great set-up!

Think need a little tuning of your sump area. Can you put the skimmer into the 3rd compartment from the left and thereby move the dsb into the 2nd chamber?

Also notice there is a purple seafan. Make sure you place it at a hogh flow area - if not will not open and thus.......

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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thanks dispar,

just a new beginning.

Got lots more to learn.

This is what i added in the sump...

did i do anything wrong?

can i add more sand on the bottom left side??

can anyone advice me pls?


the amount of surface area will render a DSB useless if that is your intention.

for a DSB to work, a larger surface area is required(IMO more than 1 sq ft).

i think i can safely say that your return pump will not be powerful enough. might wanna consider looking for a higher rated pump.

Since you have a chiller, might wanna consider a MH, since it can be cheaper than T5s, all you need is to consider whether you want a 150W,250W or 400W depending on wat kind of corals you intend to have.

nice size of tank thou, just the length and height i wanted for my new tank, except i'm planning on a 2.5ft width.


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is the Rio 14HF powerful enough for your return?

i think a Rio 26HF or 32HF will be more suitable?

I think it should suffice for 3ft. cuz the 14hf flowrate is 2700l/hr.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Great set-up!

Think need a little tuning of your sump area. Can you put the skimmer into the 3rd compartment from the left and thereby move the dsb into the 2nd chamber?

Also notice there is a purple seafan. Make sure you place it at a hogh flow area - if not will  not open and thus.......

Have a 2nd look at your 3rd chamber dun think it can fit the macro. Unless it is the Aqua c Urchin maybe still got chance. ;)

As for the DSB, can maybe moved to the first chamber loh. Only cannot cultivate macro algae. But DSB should be able to still function. :D

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Great set-up!

Think need a little tuning of your sump area. Can you put the skimmer into the 3rd compartment from the left and thereby move the dsb into the 2nd chamber?

Also notice there is a purple seafan. Make sure you place it at a hogh flow area - if not will not open and thus.......

cant do...like u said that 3rd compartment is too small..

BTW that seafan is a dead one...

it came along with the LR i bought of some other reefers today.

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the amount of surface area will render a DSB useless if that is your intention.

for a DSB to work, a larger surface area is required(IMO more than 1 sq ft).

i think i can safely say that your return pump will not be powerful enough. might wanna consider looking for a higher rated pump.

Since you have a chiller, might wanna consider a MH, since it can be cheaper than T5s, all you need is to consider whether you want a 150W,250W or 400W depending on wat kind of corals you intend to have.

nice size of tank thou, just the length and height i wanted for my new tank, except i'm planning on a 2.5ft width.


thanks for the advice diabolus.

i only have 3.5-4 inch sandbed( i dunno if its considered deep) for the main tank

so what do u think i should add in the sump?

apart from the rio26 which im contemplating as the water flow will keep me awake whole nite...hehe

and as for the lights, am thinking of going into softies and clams.

But one thing for sure, that is im not ready to have any drilling or hanging of mH in my room hehe.

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Have a 2nd look at your 3rd chamber dun think it can fit the macro. Unless it is the Aqua c Urchin maybe still got chance. ;)

As for the DSB, can maybe moved to the first chamber loh. Only cannot cultivate macro algae. But DSB should be able to still function. :D

hmm...will keep that in mind..

now the problem is that im spoilt for choices...

if i had only a 3 compartment one then i wont be complaining what shoud be inside..

haiz...they call this human..


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softies can make do with most lights including FLs,PLs,T5s and MHs.

Clams are light demanding so they need Mh or T5s(placed high up)

the only water flow noise u will enounter is your overflow box(a durso and high water level in the overflow box will help) and the first compartment of the sump(where the downpipe is) use a T-joint at the end to help release air out and that should solve ur noise problems.


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softies can make do with most lights including FLs,PLs,T5s and MHs.

Clams are light demanding so they need Mh or T5s(placed high up)

the only water flow noise u will enounter is your overflow box(a durso and high water level in the overflow box will help) and the first compartment of the sump(where the downpipe is) use a T-joint at the end to help release air out and that should solve ur noise problems.


am thinking of getting mH...but how many u think is needed for clams?

is there any mH that doesnt require hanging from the celing?

are u talking about the valve in the pic ? :idea::idea::idea:


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nice tank u got there!

dun recommend u to put sand into ur left bottom area of ur sump... u will choke the water flow....

lightings, if not really into sps, tink shld go for 1X250W MH supplementing it with T5s or T8s... in this way, u can keep almost all corals liao somemore u can see the great growth of ur softies under that kind of light ;)

hanging MH is gd in the sense that u can adjust the height of ur lights... acclimatising ur corals when u change new bulbs and adjust to the height to ur liking ;)

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you can go for the non hanging type MH like Weipro, Hylux...etc.....but generally people would like to hang on ceilling because these lights are heavy and they don't want to stress their tank!!!

another way is to take out its internal ballast and extend it out as external ballast or simply change all the ballast to eballast.....you be surprise how light the unit can become (my weipro MH went from 7kg (or was it 10???) to 3 kg).....

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nice tank u got there!

dun recommend u to put sand into ur left bottom area of ur sump... u will choke the water flow....

lightings, if not really into sps, tink shld go for 1X250W MH supplementing it with T5s or T8s... in this way, u can keep almost all corals liao somemore u can see the great growth of ur softies under that kind of light ;)

hanging MH is gd in the sense that u can adjust the height of ur lights... acclimatising ur corals when u change new bulbs and adjust to the height to ur liking ;)

Agree with clownfish, you can't put sand st the first compartment cuz the water supposed to flow from the bottom, putting sand there will choke the flow.

Maybe just make do with dsb loh. ;) cuz too small a dsb also cannot work. :D

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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Australian Institute of Marine Science


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