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Re : Looking to adopt corals


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Hi all,

I have a 3" by 2" by 2.5" tank which has completed cycling and I'm now looking forward to adding corals.

Currently have some leathers which were passed on to me as they were not doing well and one gonio which was given as a birthday present in dec.

Lights are 1 MH 250w and 4 2 feet FL tubes of 2 white and 2 blue.

If any bros have any corals for adoption do pm me.

Frags are also welcome :)



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Here's the updates :)

My tank has been running since dec 20, the rocks and lifestock were transferred from my previous 2 two feet tanks which had been running for about half a year.

My ammonia and nitrites are zero (undetectable) and my nitrate level is about 20ppm or less.

I have a DIY denitrator in place and the leathers are doing well.

I add calcium chloride once a week about half a teaspoon and trace elements 2 teaspoons.

Temperature is about 30 degrees maintained by fans as I don't have a chiller.

I haven't done a test on phosphates but looking at algae growth as an indicator it should be low.

A small amount of diatoms have been growing recently due to the addition of my MH but aside from that no unnecessary algae growths are seen.

I have a UV in place on 24 hrs.


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Hi pple,

           I'm back again hehe....yup true that 30 degrees is not ideal but as of now I can't get a chiller ( gotta save up first ) so have to make do with the fan I have. I also made more holes in my cabinet to increase air circulation....

That's lots and lots of water top up you have to do... and yeah, more time in maintaining the tank....

Not sure if you have a tubby auto topup? May want to invest in one (From bro Cookiemunster)

Remember...... the aim (as I quote someone)... is to spend more time in front of the tank and not behind maintaining.... this will also help gain the support of family members... ;)

And in my honest opinion, having MH for lightings without chiller is definitely a big no-no..... MH can get really hot.... either way, u are "cooking" ur corals to slow death or if I am not wrong, get really busy everyday with top up...

And if the rate of evaporation is high, u need to also store more reservoir pails of water to remove chlorine and chloramine.... (another possible reason that family members may frown on)....

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hmm yup I shd get a auto top up system bro.

Currently I add in 3 litres of water everyday or 2 1.5L coke bottles of water. The fan is switched off once I return home in the evenings and my halide is on from 8 am to 4 pm...odd timing ??

No choice as my mom started complaining that the light is too bright and is preventing my brother from having a good sleep..( it shines on his bed ) I tried my best to leave the area as well ventilated as possible so I didn't construct a hood.

The halide is hung about 10-12 inches above the tank and my tank has a centre bracing ( bad choice that I'm regretting now ) so not much water splashes or anything like that.

My MH has no cover too...just the spider reflector attached to chains and tilted slightly so that all the light is focused on the tank.

I should be constructing a hood, maybe in april as my mom will kill me if I start anything during school term ( as it is I'm not really doing well )

Will try to post a pic if possible :)



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