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My Deltec AP850


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  • SRC Member

Since the thread on the Deltec Skimmer started by AlfaRomeo was closed, have to start another to show some pics.

Nothing grand about this AP850 skimmer since a few reefer already own one. However, managed to get some time to do some mod on the collection cup to fit in a drain. I fitted a spears 1/4" ball valve, believe me, its one of the smallest ball valve I have seen. Now I need not have to worry about overflowing collection cup anymore. Just tell my maid to occasionally pour some water into collection cup to clear the line and also to get rid of the smell. Have to pardon the covering up of the body with black plastic bag as I try to reduce the amount of coralline growth.


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Yup, drilled a hole on the collection cup's ABS material. Exact size to fit a nipple to an elbow is 14mm. :D . Must have confidence on the mod lor......


Been running for 2 weeks liao. I adjusted for wet skimmate, so you will see very little protein sticking to the riser except near the top 1/2 inch. Morover, just clean out the collection cup before I do an 'operation on it'.

Now try to do another mod to the riser cup if I have the time. Will keep it a secret until it is successful. Something that no skimmer manufacturer has done it yet or maybe they have tried but not successful.

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  • 4 months later...
  • SRC Member

Just did a mod on the air intake of the needlewheel pump using the CR's filter. Too bad my cam not good enough and cannot capture the amount of dirt that the filter traps. Its really dirty.


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Just did a mod on the air intake of the needlewheel pump using the CR's filter.  Too bad my cam not good enough and cannot capture the amount of dirt that the filter traps.  Its really dirty.

hmm..... shld i do the same mod to my beckett? :P might not work as well though.

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  • SRC Member

No too difficult to do it. Just need the 'arm' shape type of PVC fitting to hold the filter, or something similiar will do. Just a small step to perfection.

Anyway, I also did extra machining to the needlewheel pump and smoothen the machined portion and there is marked improvement to the amount of bubbles generated. Previously, with the valve at near 2 o'clock, the needlewheel will contact the body of the pump and will chatter. Now, at almost 3 o'clock pump then will chatter. Also, there is a lot of bubbles exiting the outflow pipe with the same setting. Hence, 2 things achieved: 1. more bubbles generated 2. now the bubbles got more fine.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

These were the findings that I observed:

WITH the air valve installed and tuned to 2-3 o'clock position, the bubbles are very fine from the bayonet upto the foam head. However, noticed that the bubbles started to 'dance'very violently from the bayonet upwards. Even very close to the foam head, still 'dancing'around. Deduction: too much turbulance

WITHOUT the airvalve installed, first thing to notice is the bubbles are bigger in size and less 'dancing' of the bubbles. Somewhere in the middle of the riser, the bubbles are very stable in the way that they just go really straight up (like marching) :D . The foam head is also more stable due to less turbulance. Can see the bubbles grew bigger and bigger as they rise and create a good foam head. This is what skimmer should do.....bubbles should grow as they rise and ultimately at the foam head, they should break.

Skimmate wise, have to wait a day or two as after the mod, I washed the collection cup. As for the mod, just want to see if the carbon makes difference in the skimmer performance. ;)

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OK lah...enough of this newbie/expert stuff. If not later can see some object flying over. :lol:

Nothing much lah...carbon is used to absorb anything nasty right...be it in water or in the air. Same reason as the carbonised air-con filter in the house or car, to absorb the 'char kway tiao' smell in the car. :lol:

So for the skimmer, it serves the same purpose.....if the skimmer is near the kitchen, then can absorb the oil mist/smell before it gets 'blended'with the water by the needlewheel. Possible bad sources are oil, aerosol spray, insecticide spray etc.

Alfa, yours should be OK lah as you housed the skimmer in a cabinet. No problems.

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  • SRC Member

Good Stuff.

I have been running my skimmer without the airvalves for about a day now and the amount of skimmate accumulated in 24 hours is the same amount that I used to collect in 3-4 days with the airvalve on.. Skimmate is definately wetter (but still dark coloured) and thus the collection cup neck is cleaner (more efficient?)

Will keep it this way for about a week and I shall report back if there is any noticable changes to the tank... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

can i give some imput for my apf600 (smaller unit) :)

i am running my skimmer without air-valve, and i got to wash my collection cup almost everyday. the skimmate (wet) i got is equal to 3 days collection (with air-valve fully open) of skimmate i have in the past. the skimmate is much darker in brown without air-valve :)

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