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anemone exposing its intestines...


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  • SRC Member

some time the shrink because they are un comfortable.. or may be will die.. cause i saw my anemone shrink once and it die after few dae.. other anemone doing wel.. if see the anemone shrinking more den faster throw away.. if not it will affect ur water..



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for more info:

Mouth open or everted


if the anemone has been in the shipping bag for period of time, it is usual for anemones to open the mouth wide- this is a symptom of need of more oxygen.

Or as a result of a water change in its body column.

In any case, it has been suggested by experts under such circumstances to place the anemones under strong water motion. This aids the ventilation of the colenteron.



When anemones do not receive adequate light to maintain their populations of symbiotic zooxanthellae that provide them with much their nutrition - otherwise shrink. This shrinking effect - involves consumption of tissues as a means to compensation the loss in energy from zooxanthelle. Suggest to increase lighting and feed anemone. but don't force feed.

Refusal of food


when anemone recieve adequate lighting, feeding need not be often (Julian Spring). Ocassionally. Just provide lighting.

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  • SRC Member

my rose look like tt.. and tt the whole procedure..and it happen to seperate to a small rose.. den the big one die liaox.. sad.. sry bro for my wrong explanation.. hahax..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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