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  • SRC Member

Hi all bro n sis....

Want to ck with all of u one qn w rgds to no3.

My tank is realatively new as its onli abt 2mths old.

Dun noe if its usual for everyone,my no3 started to go up as e wks goes by until its above 50ppm last wk.Wat i did is a 50% water change n wash my bio-balls w salt water.With tat,i manage to bring dw my no3 to 10ppm.But aft afew days,it wen bk up to 20ppm liao...

So aft reading wat some of e guys do here,I wen to buy AZ no3 reducer(Beri expensive man) :(

However e salespax told me tat for a new tank,e no3 readin will not b stable for a newly setup 2mth tank.He told me not to worie n dun use e AZ no3 reducer 1st.Wait for awhile more until it shoot further up then c how???

However i still buy e AZ no3 reducer lah jzt to b safe as not many places sell it.

Untill now i still havnt use it yet.

Wat do u all suggest??For a new tank shld i use it NOW to bring e no3 dw or wait??

I have try to reduce feeding to once a day(Last time twice aday) n it results in e death of my yellow tang as think he didnt manage to get food fast enough fm e other fishes(Purple tang).Obeserve tat when purple tang is hungry,they r more aggressive n start to bully other fishes.B4 tat,dun see him bullying e yellow tang.So think bec of too hungry n stress by e purple tank,it KO on e 1st DAY OF CNY :cry2:

pls advise me wat i shld do...n any side effect of using AZ no3??

tks... :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

IMO, you should wait it out...this hobby takes time and patient. your system needs to be matured enough to start handling No3, so using AZ No3 at this stage might not be a good idea....

Reduce feeding to once a day and your YT KO??? i think its unlikely that your yellow tang died because of this....you only started reducing your feeding for how long??? 1 month???? i think it could be other factors that you need to consisder...for example, compatiablity of your fish, size of your tank ...etc....

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  • SRC Member

ammonia and no2??

IMO, washing of bio balls will wash away

the good bacteria causing ammonia

and no2 to go up. i think your fish

dia because of this..

wash bio balls after 6 - 8 mth to

prevent clog...only light wash as not

to wash away all the good bacteria.

50% of water change will make your fish

stress. try change 10% weekly and monitor

ammonia, no2, no3 before water change

( for a month)

..once water is mature can do 20% mthly

(depend on tank size and filteration system)

don't add in new fish...wait until water is stable

Get a good skimmer....

Most important thing....Patience ;)

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  • SRC Member

Tks for all e advise... :lol:

Think 4got to tell them tat my tank onli 2mth old onli so they advise me to wash my bio ball with salt water lor...sigh... <_<

I reduce feeding to once a day for 1wk onli n i change e type of food to mysis wic my yellow tang dun like.(It onli eat Henry's mix food)N aft reduce feeding,e purple tang starts to b aggressive to e YT liao.Think tis stress e YT up lor....B4 tat,e YT is like a side kick to e PT,following it around.

Stupid me,shld have notice tat. :angry:

Nw,im bk to feeding them morn n nite but reduce e amount to abit bit onli.

B4 n Aft e change of water,nh4 n no2 is at 0ppm

No3 is at 10ppm aft change of water,but after 2days,no3 shoot bk to 20ppm again.sigh.... :(

Am i worrying too much abt no3????Is my worie necessary???

So like wat e shop ppl tell me,dun use e AZ no3 1st,err so wat other option do i have???Worie abt e health of my fishes.Right now,they r all feedin normal n behavin normally.I got no corals at all.

I have added in my sump tank pur 2 fm aqua pxxm n aqua cay(dun noe spell correct anot) to bulid up e bat as advise by e shop ppl...

Pls advise me wat other thinks can i do???


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  barnacle said:
as long as your fish are healthy and

feeding well, there is nothing to worry

maintain weekly 10% water change... ;)

ok tks bro...

so now i jzt cont to do a weekly 10% water change will do...

At wat reading of no3 then i shld start to worie for my new tank???I dun intend to have coral.Jzt keeping fishes,anemone,feather dust worm n prawn.....

Anyway jzt curious,will changin of water make e tank bcome new tank lik new cycle water again when we 1st started???

huh <_<

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  • SRC Member

if fish only don't worry too much about No3......how big is your tank???? I notice that even if you can maintain good water parameter...if you house 2 tangs in a 2 footer.....you are going to get agression anyway!!! even for a fish only tank, not everything is about water parameter....

I normally do this for me feeding and it seems ok....for me, only when i'm free to spend about 3-5 minutes will i feed the fishes, if i can't afford the time, i would even feed for that day....usually my feeding is once a day and 4-5 times during weekend....how i feed my fish is to drop the pellets 5-6 at a time using both hand....i normally look for the bully and drop to food around it....it will have to spin round to catch the food.....the other fishes will surround it and feed - quite funny to watch.....sometime for the weaker fishes i'll use 2 hands and drop them at exterme ends of what my hand can reach....then at least the bully will not be able to eat all the food....

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IMHO, u r experiencing the "New Tank Syndrome". Biological filtration is still not at its peak or it is inadequent. be patient and do ur regular water changes (preferably with RO/DI), keep a close watch on ur parameters. enhanced mechanical filtration, e.g. efficient skimming will help reduce DOC in ur tank.

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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  • SRC Member

for my tank, i don't check no3, waste of time

and money.and no worries.....just change 10%

of water every fortnight..feed with dried brine

shrime, once a day....and my clown is growing

big.....happy with a brown tang....................

and mandarin.......but of course water is matured

and must maintain filteration system.

i let my system to run in for 2 mnths before

introduce fish.... ;)

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Mine is a 3by1.5by2ft tank.

No corals at all but have some feather dust worm n 1 anemone.....

Will try e 10% water change method.

So as long as e fishes r feeding well,its ok tat e no3 is high???

Anyway how high is high???50ppm n above???


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  veliferium said:
yes,some reefers here have their no3 level undetectable leh!!!!!!!!!!!!BTw,changing water is just 10% to 20%.not half tank............

yah lor..tat time i read in e forum ppl change half tank as their no3 too high.But FORGOT tat theirs is a mature old tank liao...So jzt follow...keke..Luckily i post tis topic to c whether to use e AZ-no3 anot???If not i surely jzt go ahead one..keke....


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