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Need advise on cyna. n Prata!!!


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Hi!Bros,pals...Happy CYN!!!

Need some advise for the above mention???1 of my cynarina had detach from its base or so call 'bone'. & so do 1 of my blasto :(:cry2:

No doubt the cynarina is still ok on the sand bed but don tink it can survive....btw some of the cyna.,prata n Blastos seems to detaching at their rims too..but still intact..... :cry2:

Anyone can advise y tis happen...Is it due to the PH which is too high....My PH values reads 9.3 to 9.4...Is it ok for tis values....

Someone pls advise.... :thanks::thanks::thanks::bow:

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  • SRC Member

The possible reason I could think of:

1) Pls check your water parameters to ensure nothing is wrong. 'cos extremely water parameters will definitely cause some adversely behaviour of corals

2) Is the placement of cyna and prata ok? There have been reports that too strong flow will cause them to detach from the base.

The detached cyna. and prata could be nurse back to health..... don't just throw them away.....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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Thks everyone for yr precious advise.... :lol:

I still left the cynarina 'flesh' on the sand bed...its been 2 days and seems to be doin well...mayb I will try to put it back...Anyway my water current shd to be ok...cos for the past 1 1/2 yr all of them r ok till only recently then tis tings happen.... <_<

Btw does anybody out there know wats e specific reason that y all this corals will detach from the bone/base...eg. due to certain water parameters or others.... :o

Nevertheless, all the water parameters are ok...except the PH which raises recently.... :(

Is there anytin out there which can bring back the req. PH... :blink:

As for the monitor,bro Diab, any suggestion for tis device calibration service??

Appreciate, :bow:

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Hi!Bros,pals...Happy CYN!!!

Need some advise for the above mention???1 of my cynarina had detach from its base or so call 'bone'. & so do 1 of my blasto :(:cry2:

No doubt the cynarina is still ok on the sand bed but don tink it can survive....btw some of the cyna.,prata n Blastos seems to detaching at their rims too..but still intact..... :cry2:

Anyone can advise y tis happen...Is it due to the PH which is too high....My PH values reads 9.3 to 9.4...Is it ok for tis values....

Someone pls advise.... :thanks::thanks::thanks::bow:

the exact situation u r in right now happened to RAV65. u can pm him to further discuss.

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  • SRC Member

Bro, you are not alone. :( my two RED Brain also drop out from the base (just yesterday)... I have not measure my water parameter yet but seems like it does not happen to my other LPS. :pinch:

if you have any newer progress...please keep each other of any findings.

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My red cyanrina also detached itself some 2 months ago... but it's sill alive... I've come to the conclusion that the surrent is too high... nothing to do with pH... u may wanna look into that... :P

Juz my $0.02... :P

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  • SRC Member

Irregardless of whether ur lps reacted tis way due to ph or not. Its highly advisable to perform water changes to bring ur ph back to the normal range (assumin nuthin wrong with ur ph sensor). ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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Thks everyone for yr advise...really appriciate... :D

I do change water ard 2-3 wks per time...abt 2 pails...mayb its not enough...Perhaps I shd change more regularly n more amount n c how....

Hai... :( ...Some of the cynarinas n Pratas seems to b ok leh... :huh: ..only a few of them...So many guessing factors... <_<

Hope there r some ppl out there hav ex. this n can share more... :yeah::thanks:

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  • SRC Member

As i do nt knw the size of ur tank....assumin ur tank is 650L. Changin 2 pails(assumin 18L per pail) of water (2x18L=36L) is nt even 10% of ur total volume. So, u may wanna consider changin more water instead. ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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