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Cheap &easy SPS

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Have anyone tried sps without chiller,and can someone reccomend some hardy ones.

1.Is starting with frags and aquacultured ones easier than wild ones?

2.Is there a need for chiller for sps?

3.Is there a very limited temperature range for sps?

4.Do they nedd really clean water?

Thanx for answering all the above questions.I noe some of them may sound silly but i am jus trying to learn sps reefing. :thanks:

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Have anyone tried sps without chiller,and can someone reccomend some hardy ones.

As long as you can keep temp between 26 to 28 degrees..you can. 25 degrees is even better.

1.Is starting with frags and aquacultured ones easier than wild ones?

Aquacultured ones are better, frags fr reefers are even better.

2.Is there a need for chiller for sps?

Answer provided on top

3.Is there a very limited temperature range for sps?

Answer provided on top

4.Do they nedd really clean water?

YES. That is why SPS reefers are OBSESSED with Clean Water! Seriously, success in SPS husbandry goes way beyond lights, temp and clean water.

try check out this thread...I picked up a lot when I planned to try out sps


once you acquired enuff knowledge and know how....can try out digis and other montis...even porites to start with ;)

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do pay attention to water circulation and current. Too much..the tissues get blown away....too little..they dont do well and stn ;)

And to add to DB 2 mentioned items:

(3) Strong Lighting: MH

(4) CLEAN water: low PO4, low NO3, low nutrients

(5) Stable / Correct parimeters: KH, PH, Ca, Mg

(6) NO corals eaters ** reasons need no explanation :pinch:

(7) Stable temperature

Happy Lunar Reefing :peace:

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not tough if you have the discipline and get the proper setup for them ;)

You wont believe what guys like Linkin Park and Scarab do to keep their tanks in tip top condition ;)

Montis and porites are not so light demanding as some sps....but they will rtn or stn if the water parameter is off ;)

Regarding the HO T5s..... go with ATI ;)

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Is it really possible to keep them if i am not willing to dig out money frm my pocket????

Not ver sure by how much u are willing to "dig" out but If you're able to keep the perimeters stable: temp, KH, Ca, Mg, PO4 and provide the lighting, current, occational feeding :lol:

Then u can have them in yr tank B)

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Its all abt wat u wan to acheive frm ur sps....For them to grow, thrive and color or juz for the sake of havin (brown, ocassional stn, rtn....). :unsure:

I believe ur statement "Is it really possible to keep them if i am not willing to dig out money frm my pocket????" did not apply to any of the sps keeper here tat r havin good results with their sps.

Diggin out money oreadi started when u purchase them. :whistle so its up to u whether u wanna protect ur investment.


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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Everyone knows that less-than-ideal conditions means seeing them losing colour, browning out or bleaching or worser still... dying right before your eyes... one moment looking ok and next moment u see tissue flying off their skeletons!!

Buying SPS is one thing but keeping them in good condition is another.

If you want to go cheap SPS keeping ie. low light, so-so water quality, warm temperatures, yo yo water parameters, higher nitrate and phosphates, poor water circulation then you should go for mostly brown bullet-proof easy to keep specimens like porites etc. These can last longer than other species but may become overgrown by nuisance algae that loves such conditions. However, these hardier SPS corals may still RTN overnight. ;)

Why do you think those who walk down the cursed path of SPS-keeping :fear: are those who are constantly broke and tormented with agony everytime something bad happens to their corals?

We HAVE to spend on better equipment like strong lighting, good skimmers, good chillers, expensive water surge devices, get a good calcium reactor, use supplements like alkalinity, trace elements, get the best seasalt, have expensive computer, probe monitoring devices etc.... just to give our SPS corals a STABLE environment.... and its NO guarantee that they will survive long term!!!!

I give you this analogy... you don't grow roses in the harsh desert climate.


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Thax .gave me a "scolding".I finally woke up frm my dream of having sps jus like playing.

i really dunno wad to start with.

Stable water parameters is the only possible thing i can do.Chillers i dont think is possible unless i begin to earn money.

Last of all, the worst thing is i dont even have a sump which gives good turnover rates so i think i better think twice before starting on this.

Reefers,here pls dont flame me. :(:unsure::pinch:

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Well as least you post and ask questions, which is well done on your side.

Hope after hearing all the advice you don't still jump into it without providing the proper environment for SPS. You don't have to rush to go into SPS. If one day when you are ready, there are enough frags stock from reefers here to get you started in a big way.

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Its highly commendable tat u r willin to take advices and not go ur own way. :)

U may wanna invest in a proper tank setup first (tank, cabinet, sump...etc) then slowly work ur way towards sps. In the meanwhile, u can keep lps or go fowlr while savin up for equipments and the necessary. By the time u hav sav up enough to start sps, ur tank would hav more or less mature. Keepin sps is a ongoin spendin kinda of thing. So, its best for someone who is financially capable.


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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thax scarab.Hear u live at telok blangah.maybe someday i shall visit your house and take a look at your magnificient tank.

"Once u see Scarab's tank, there is no turning back"

U will start to crave SPS...... sucks u in...... :ph34r: u have been warned!!! :lol:

I think most of us started out like that. U see a nice SPS tank, the colors, and u go Wow! i want tat.....and the rest is history...... :lol:

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