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Camel shrimp

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Hi guys,


Okie.. got a prob for quite a while le. There's a camel shrimp, which i bought back then when i have no idea it's not exactly reef-safe, and it's getter bolder and bolder, munching on my corals..

I tried catching it, but it moves so fast. Any tips to share on how to catch it?

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  • SRC Member

have the same experience before with camel shrimp. wasted much time.

at the end, gave myself the excuse to rescape which resulted in removing all the rocks and live stock.

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  • SRC Member

Camels are more difficult to catch than skunks, becos of their getaway style...they shoot backwards and are very fast.

IMO, they are already very difficult to catch with a net, so using hands is out.

traps are your best bet other than rescaping your whole tank.


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  • SRC Member

ahhhh!!! :shock::shock: lol... phew.....

dunno y but my cleaner(dunno its so agressive) and boxer killed it... lol....

they both put up a handicapped match... :evil::evil: lol.... :D

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  • SRC Member
Gong Xi Fa Cai!

guys, u sure this shrimp is destroyer?

i have 3 b4... but kill by my maroon clown. my maroon clown is too aggresive after introduce into my tank... :huh:

kill the maroon clown.. lol.... jk...

its so amazing that fishes, crabs, shrimps, etc... have their own personalities.... ur maroon clown so aggressive mine so friendly...

always kena bully by this fellow--->


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  • SRC Member

i think the name camel shrimp comes from the slight hump in the back. that's how to differentiate from peppermint shrimps. and yes, it is definitely not reef safe. i have one, but it's in my sump so can't wreck my corals :evil:

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

i think alot of ppl kana cheated by LFS owner...most will say theirs is peppermint ITE it turns out to be camel..

I got cheated too.. :P

Got two camels but cannot catch it at all..all i can do is to make sure that they are well fed..at least they will bother my corals.. :P

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