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Is this nudibranch a SEAHARE?


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  • SRC Member

hi bros, any one knows if this is a seahare? :huh:


I gotta feeling..Woo...hoo....That tonight's gonna be a good night.....That tonight's gonna be a good, good night!

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Nope... doesnt look like the normal brown sea hares that Marinelife brings in... they don't have that many tendrils sprouting out their back!

But looking at it... it probably is an algae eater... it would be very hard for a predator to see it in a clump of seaweed or algae!

I dun think you should worry too much about it.

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  • SRC Member

Looks like a hairy seahare to me... same body shape.



"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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  • SRC Member

Thanks guys, have not seen e seahare from ML, brought this fella from 35D, it's almost fist size! it graze on all algae, but like not clean enough...... think must get a few seahare from Henry. :)

I gotta feeling..Woo...hoo....That tonight's gonna be a good night.....That tonight's gonna be a good, good night!

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  • SRC Member

oh yea... btw... according to ML , seahare dun have long life spent... around 4-5 months...

btw.... seahare r great... but a nuisance @ times... cause they tend to pay a visit to ur corals....and squeeze through holes... ( cause ur landscape to fall if they r not secured....

well... when their eggs hatch....they provide food for ur corals and fishy...cause seahares frys r larve...

oh well... but they tend to shit alot... u can see really big pile of shit almost everywhere..

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