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Cleaner shrimp death


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  • SRC Member

Circumstances to my cleaner shrimp's death (was known as shrimpy)

1. Saw that it has molted last night ... empty shell on the sandbed in the morning.

2. Decide to change water ard 15 - 18% (roughly half was aged for 8 hrs, all was treated wif Seachem prime(0.4 ml for ~20L)). It is for the CNY period.

3. Everything was done as normal until . ... i start to add in the newly made salt water into the sump (for mixing wif 'old' salt water b4 pumping up to main tank) and started the pump to recirculate the water from sump to main tank.

4. The cleaner shrimp died ..... it was found drifting ard on the sandbed minutes after the new water was added...

The salinity for the newly made water and tank is the same .... method of changing water had been used for months .. shrimpy survived for 4 months+, tank now 8 months old.

And the other shrimp, a ###### shrimp (aka Miss ######) remains very much ######-shaking alive

Thus the onli conclusion i can arrive at is that ... DO not change water when cleaner shrimps molt ..... it may lead to their death.

Btw, this is my logical assumption ... just like to share this info so that shrimps can be saved from such deaths. Please correct me if i am wrong .. cos would like to learn b4 i make such mistakes again.

P.S. All other livestocks are ok (1x coral beauty, 1x Flame Angel, 1x ######), hammer remains open and lively during the change.

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because I am very sure mother nature didn't invent animals to be kept in a huge glass container. :upsidedown::eyebrow:


saying of that ... yap he has a point too... hmmm...

so is it better to let free to swim in the ocean or keep them in glass tank ???



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Wow !! Thanks for the replies .... so far water temp is not an issue cos not using chiller cos FOWLR tank.. as for NO3, it is at 2.5ppm for the tank .... but actually did not check the tap/aged water.... will do next time i change water .. then can see how good my tap water is :D Thanks shoelevy..

As for iodine levels .. i dont have the testkits .... just dump the 'trace elements' that comes wif corallife salt and hopes that it is enough :P .. Maybe time to look into getting 'trace elements' stuff to supplement my tank ... hmmm .. :unsure:

Oh well ... lets hope Henry brings in cleaners soon ;)

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  • SRC Member

yes blood shrimps do clean too.

so far, i have good success with CS, just normal acclimatising for about 20 minutes.

i dose 2 drops of lugol's everyday.


i agree with diabolus

seng, although i dun haf iodine test kits, i dose faithfully according to the instructino of the bottle

i do not think trace elements alone with provide sufficient iodine

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  • SRC Member

Cleaner shrimp should be acclimatised very slowly. I never had problems with them, except that mine was killed by boxer shrimp, even though cleaner shrimp is larger than the boxer.

Now, my boxer does some cleaning duties too, but only on my Yellow Tang. Heard that it's a rare sight, though. Will try to catch them in the act one of these days :)

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  • SRC Member

How does blood shrimp look like???huh???

My 1st cleaner shrimp die aft 2wks.Suspect gana attack by fishes aft it change its shell e nite b4.

E other 1 die think when there is a sudden change in temp.All along average temp was always 28.5.Dun noe y aft i add some pur 2 n aqua cay(Dun noe e actual spelling) into my sump tank,e temp shoot up to 29.4degree.Its fast man,less then 5min,i saw my cleaner prawn overturn liao... :cry2:

Huh...R they beri senstive to sudden change in temp.How high a temp can they tahan????Anybody noe???


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from my experience...ammonia affects them alot..once there is any slight increase in ammonia level..most likely they will die :(

another thing is temperature...thats why when we purchase the shrimp from LFS, the shop owner always tell us to acclimatize it first before putting inside tank cos they are very sensitive to temp changes ..

so i think ur tank temp's fluctuate too tremendously therefore causes ur shrimp to die...

just my 2 cents worth :)

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  • SRC Member
from my experience...ammonia affects them alot..once there is any slight increase in ammonia level..most likely they will die :(

another thing is temperature...thats why when we purchase the shrimp from LFS, the shop owner always tell us to acclimatize it first before putting inside tank cos they are very sensitive to temp changes ..

so i think ur tank temp's fluctuate too tremendously therefore causes ur shrimp to die...

just my 2 cents worth :)

Yah lor.I oso suspect its e sudden increase in temp.sigh.... :(

Anyway.Wat is e highest temp tat they can tahan??any1 noe???


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i think best keep it around 28 lor...

29.5 too hot liao...go get a fan lah... btw these few days weather very old, CNY first day was 35.5 degree celsius..

so if you dun have fan ..ur LS will suffer from the hot weather

:D yah lor.Agree w u e weather beri e hot tis few days man........ :unsure:

Tats y im using ice cube to top up water now....Can cool down water temp at same time..keke.....

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:D yah lor.Agree w u e weather beri e hot tis few days man........ :unsure:

Tats y im using ice cube to top up water now....Can cool down water temp at same time..keke.....


pardon me for saying...28 degree celsius must be kept constant not "suga suga" later 28 later 29 that kind..

go get a fan..it is a good investment if really cannot afford chiller..

think about it..if you buy 4 skunk..you can actually buy a fan liao..

if not consider keeping camel shrimp (at least they are more hardy..but not reef safe) they are good at cleaning unwanted food ...

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pardon me for saying...28 degree celsius must be kept constant not "suga suga" later 28 later 29 that kind..

go get a fan..it is a good investment if really cannot afford chiller..

think about it..if you buy 4 skunk..you can actually buy a fan liao..

if not consider keeping camel shrimp (at least they are more hardy..but not reef safe) they are good at cleaning unwanted food ...

Tks gothia...

Will consider tat....

Is evaporation rate high for using fan???

Where shld it b place???On e surface of e hood where e lgt is??

Mine is a 3by1.5by2ft tank.

Roughly how many fan do i need???tks

tks... :thanks:

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what light u using...

if mh, better use two fan..(best is chiller..sure very very hot ) if T5 ..i think one should be enough lor..

just secure the fan on one side of the tank...and blow directly at the water..(cos when there is movement on the water surface, it will cool down the water)

you can get a profantec fan at clementi florist for abt 30 plus..

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what light u using...

if mh, better use two fan..(best is chiller..sure very very hot ) if T5 ..i think one should be enough lor..

just secure the fan on one side of the tank...and blow directly at the water..(cos when there is movement on the water surface, it will cool down the water)

you can get a profantec fan at clementi florist for abt 30 plus..


im using t5.....

Will go ck it out tm...... :lol:

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