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What butterfly is hardy?

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Hi guys,

Just wondering which butterfly is very hardy and easy to keep. Tried to research more but not many articles on butterflies.. Maybe some kind soul can give me some advice or links? :thanks: I am really looking forward to getting my first butterfly. I love them!! :D I currently have a FOWLR nano tank and a 2.5 inch tomato clown. Skimmer is macro 100 needlewheel and i got lots of live rocks ine tank. I know copperband is a difficult fish to keep cos very delicate and shy. Hmm which butterfly can live peacefully and feed well together wif my tomato? thanks lots! :thanks:

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The good thing is there are quite lot BF that can be keep, but the bad thing is your NANO tank is not a good place to keep them in long term. IME, BF should be keep (for their healthy) in the tank that not less than 40-50 gallon tank, it is like a 1 m(L)x0.5m(W)x0.5(H) tank. You have a choice of : Auriga, Vagabond, Ulietensis, Falcula, Golden, Copperband, Yellow Longnose, Racoon, Mellanotus, Tinkery, Burgessy and some more but i forgot the name. New specimen should feed with live food like adult brine shrimp or mysis shrimp.

Avoid : Trianggulum, Trifasciallis, Meyeri, Ornate, Very Longnose Yellow BF ---> this species are mostly coral obligate.

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If you promised to keep only one in your 2ft then this is the one - Cheatodon mertensii Merten's butterflyfish.

Merten's are hardy and will readilty accept any form of food. :D

In nature they feeds on small benthic invertebrates and algae thus you need not worry about buying them sponges or coral polyps. :D

Just dun introduce small decorative shrimps in your tank - common cleaners shrimp such as skunk, fire or peppermint are too large for their liking. :evil:

Maximum size is 12.5cm, so still alright if you decide not to upgrade. :yeah:

Herewith are the visual of Merten's FYI. ;)


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Another angle of the Merten's.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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  • SRC Member

Hey I cant thank you guys enough! Thanks so much for the advice and info :thanks: I promise I'll only keep 1 BF as i know they can b quite aggressive towards others of the same species. Wow but 12.5 cm is a little big no? :blink: Very cautious about my bioload heh. I do hope Henry at ML has eitehr merten or mellanotus. Hee gonna go down there to get it and maybe the smallest yellow tang i can find. My LS will stop at 4: planning to keep:

1) BF X1

2)Yellow tang X1

3)Tomato clown (current) X1

4 Algae blenny x 1

Oh my, can't wait. Don't know why but I was really attracted to BFs when i first saw them. Natural affinity towards butterflies heh. :P Thanks once again guys for all the help n advice. Wishing you guys a Fantastic and Prosperous CNY!! :D

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