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How BIG a skimmer do I really need?


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Guys guys... you're all falling for the 'my skimmer is bigger than your skimmer' argument again.... you guys suck vs my beckett skimmer!! :lol: joking!!

This is Riot's thread on choosing his skimmer.... not for us to debate skimmers...! ;)

Seriously, BK, beckett, H&S, ER... all are foaming monsters... flow thru or recirculating... both require different designs... to quote Frank Marini of RC...

steve- let me also provide two schols of thought in desgining effciient skimmers. 1) - is slow flow thru w/ long contact time. In this scenario you get taller skimmers w/ slower pump, longer contact times of th ewateer and air. These tend to be very efficient in removing organics but process much less water due to th longer dwell time in th skimmer.

the other school is processin power. You can have shorter contact time and be less effcient in your skimming if you can skimmer larger volumes of water. case in point if you move say 5-7x more water/unit time, yet are only 30% efficient, then in the same amoun fo time it take a 50% skimmer to porcess 1x the volume your can accomplish better if not the ame amount of skimming. Thats the concept when we designed the bullet skimmers. We knew minimal contact time w/ a short skimmer, high water movement, so we ensured we had maximal air incorporation(thats why we used the beckett). Now the beckett comes w/ a price; electricity usage is high becuase it requires a powerful dedicated pump to drive it correctly. They are also noiser skimmers and ones that require more frequently cleaning as they tend to dirty quicker (primarily because they work well). If you want a quiet efficient skimmer that uses less electricity consider one of these aspriating skimmer (like deltec, euroreefs etc) or a tall airstone driven skimmer. In the end both methods work well,its just a philosophy difference

Once I mod my twin beckett skimmer for recirculating mode... I'm sure it'll beat every $XXXX german brand skimmers out there! :P

And once my mod is complete... I can switch between both modes easily by turning a few valves... one week super high turnover (typical beckett), next week slower but finer skimming (typical needlewheel style). Muhahahahaha!!! :ph34r:

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*Ding Ding Ding* - TIME OUT!

Gentlemen, break apart and cool off.

Keep the atmosphere here free of strong emotions and personal insults.... debate is fine as long as it catches defish. Just keep it intellectual.

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*Ding Ding Ding* - TIME OUT!

Gentlemen, break apart and cool off.

Keep the atmosphere here free of strong emotions and personal insults.... debate is fine as long as it catches defish. Just keep it intellectual.

O AT what have we did....

we did nothing...

we just chit chat and get to know each other more... and just realise we got reefer here who dont like SRC and yet just come in and create trouble only..

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Guys guys... you're all falling for the 'my skimmer is bigger than your skimmer' argument again.... you guys suck vs my beckett skimmer!! :lol: joking!!

This is Riot's thread on choosing his skimmer.... not for us to debate skimmers...! ;)

Seriously, BK, beckett, H&S, ER... all are foaming monsters... flow thru or recirculating... both require different designs... to quote Frank Marini of RC...

Once I mod my twin beckett skimmer for recirculating mode... I'm sure it'll beat every $XXXX german brand skimmers out there! :P

And once my mod is complete... I can switch between both modes easily by turning a few valves... one week super high turnover (typical beckett), next week slower but finer skimming (typical needlewheel style). Muhahahahaha!!! :ph34r:

When u going to unveil your master skimmer? :)

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O AT what have we did....

we did nothing...

we just chit chat and get to know each other more... and just realise we got reefer here who dont like SRC and yet just come in and create trouble only..

You guys in this thread are not newcomers... you guys have easily a few thousand posts already between yourselves.

You know the SRC policy about good manners when intereacting with one another.

I suggest that the sarcasm stop because it only inflames people.

Guys, stop insinuating and pointing fingers as I have eyes to see also.

Last warning. <_<

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ya man.. cant wait to see..

maybe if improve more.. next time dont even need to change water...

or wonder can even skim till become drinkable water sia... ;)

No need to change water one must ask some other experts in other forums already. Definately not most of the folks here :P

Look at the condition of the reef you know liao if water changes are necessary or not :P

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No need to change water one must ask some other experts in other forums already. Definately not most of the folks here :P

Look at the condition of the reef you know liao if water changes are necessary or not :P

well WL.. yes I know.. but we are talking about AT tank...

the totm of RC leh...

sure best tank in sg and even better then those in RC...

That's why I can when his improve skimmer come.. maybe can be go gd till dont even need to change water.. ;)

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Certainly hope your tongue is in your cheek. <_<

Why are you suddenly talking about my tank?

My RC TOTM... then was then. My tank is certainly not the best in Singapore just because I got highlighted as TOTM in RC. Take a look at the many gorgeous tanks around here in SRC... there will be a few more RC TOTMs coming out from Singapore, I'm sure of that.

I've not claimed my skimmer to be able to skim the salt out of saltwater yet. Perhaps when I link up my skimmer with the Tuas Desalination Plant. <_<

I'm not going to fall for this. If the tone in this thread continues, I'll close the thread.

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AP702 is the shorter version of AP902. = > 10" dia chamber

AP703 is the shorter version of AP1003. => 12" dia chamber

If you never noticed, Deltec named their skimmer this way.

APxxy xxy will be referring to the approx height of the skimmer in mm.

y will be referring to the number of pumps.

if y = 0 then single pump

if y > 0 then y = number of pumps.

The deltec skimmers are very easy to tune, actually set, fire and forget.

I haven't touched the tunning since the day I fired it up :P

Very easy to clean, twist and turn to remove the cup, bring to toilet wash, all takes less than 3 mins.

Got time hop by and take a peep :P

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how is the needlewheel quality when compara> any of u have compara the H&S and Deltec???

I believe HnS copied Deltec on the actual needlewheel design and even Bubbleking has to pay a royalty fee to Deltec for the use of the needlewheel. So between HnS and Deltec, not much difference in the actual needlewheel design from what I have learnt. I could be wrong tho.

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I believe HnS copied Deltec on the actual needlewheel design and even Bubbleking has to pay a royalty fee to Deltec for the use of the needlewheel. So between HnS and Deltec, not much difference in the actual needlewheel design from what I have learnt. I could be wrong tho.

alfa, you wanna genna letter from H&S or sealife ah.... :ph34r:

dun say H&S copy deltec unless got proof....such statements can really lead to problems.

But from what i have seen, their 2 impellers be it aquabee or eheims are similar :)

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alfa, you wanna genna letter from H&S or sealife ah.... :ph34r:

dun say H&S copy deltec unless got proof....such statements can really lead to problems.

But from what i have seen, their 2 impellers be it aquabee or eheims are similar :)

I said, 'I believe' and 'I could be wrong tho' mah... maybe I believed wrong? hehehee

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