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How BIG a skimmer do I really need?


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actually not say many also lah....if you wanna do a poll with every singaporean skimmer users, deltec is still lacking alot in numbers, even when compared to H&S because you should know how long sealife has been around.

now that edmund is officially bringing in deltec, the number of deltec users will grow but definitely still a small minority, even taking into account those who got their deltecs by their own channels.

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Here's the inlet side. These are the parts that comes with the connection kit from Deltec.

My solution is to get D25 valve from Hai Cheong then reduce at the hose adaptor side instead, slightly different unless we can get the D25/D20 reducer locally. Probably needs to wait 2 weeks when we order from GF.


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Oh, I understand now. Thanks Weileong for the excellent photo instructions. Looks like for setup, the HS is far easier and well packaged. Really did not expect the Deltec to need so much work installation.

Weileong, would you mind if I tompang wiht you if you go hardware shopping? I have always gotten my PVC from the petmart hardware there. No idea where hai cheong is.

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IMHO, better to go DIN standard all the way. Better not half DIN half SCH80. DIN parts can get easily. You can gey from GF or Glynwed. Glynwed are the stockist for FIP. Even Hai Cheong get from them, that's why you order from Hai Cheong, you need 1 day, they have to ask delivery man to collect from Glynwed.

Roidan, d50 parts already ordered from GF liao even before my skimmer arrive. ;)

Also ,managed to get the part of the original installation kit-the slotted pipe with the sponge covering it from HKG. Made by VDL original and very cheap.....

Too bad in Singapore cannot get VDL parts as they do not have a distributor in Singapore. But I am going to get from Frankfurt next week so that can DIY another 1260 to fit onto the AP1003. Just to satisfy my DIY urge.

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AP850 is an external skimmer so that's why got some parts needed to connect to the skimmer.

If you have a ball valve somewhere else to control the flow then you can just get the reducer + hose adaptor and the AP850 will be like the H&S skimmer already, just plug the flexible hose in.

Hmm.... I am sure H&S skimmer also need to adjust for proper flow into the skimmer too so you will need to fix your own valve.

For deltec case they offer the connection kit and this already have the valve for flow adjustment, so IMO this gives a better overall package as it is just plug and play :P The connection kit also provide you with the blue sponge to kill bubbles if your sump design does not kill the bubbles.

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weisoon, have u noticed the slots made by VDL not very uniformed? i think we DIYers can make neater slot-cuts on the pipes than what VDL did, their cutting angles abit off sometimes...lol..

ya, singapore cannot get VDL parts, have to ship in from overseas...but never mind lah....GF and VDL same dXX standards, so not too difficult to use GF parts instead of VDL lah....although GF parts are getting more and more expensive <_<:lol:

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The slotted pipe I bought was made by VDL but it is using grey pipe and not transparent pipe. See pic. The slot angles are quite good leh. I have not really examine the original installation kit's pipe.

Concerning the VDL and GF parts, the VDL has more selection compared to GF. If you go to VDL web site and look at some types of parts, even GF does not have them, particulary the adapter nipple part number 8.22.025. Or you can take a look at your ehiem connectors, the part number are printed on it.


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I was thinking (which very rarely happens btw);

Given a skimmer which is rated for 400G but being run on a 200G system and recommended to run the skimmer with flowrate of 800G/hr

(i) Would it be better to run a lower flowrate with a tank turnover rate of about 1.5x/hr (300G/hr) with thus higher dwell time?


(ii) Would it be better to run a higher flowrate with a tank turnover rate of about 2.2x/hr (440G/hr) with thus a lower dwell time when compared to (i)?

What are your thoughts? Cheers!

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I've read the same question in reefcentral. One user of deltec skimmer cannot skim much after certain period.

In the end, as per advised by others, he lower the flowrate and has better skimmate.

If I remember correctly, it was because the recommended flowrate given by Deltec is based on the tank size that the skimmer that support. If the tank size is much smaller, a lower flow rate is recommended. Also certain DOC/protein require more contact time.....

Search the reefcentral and you'll find the answer. :lol:

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alfa is active and prolific in reefcentral deltec usa....if he is posting the question here, probably he hasn't found a suitable or sufficient answer to his question ;)

actually the best person to answer the question will be deltec themselves, they know the characteristics of their skimmers in response to different conditions/flow much better than anyone of us :D

Let deltec rocks alfa with their answer :lol:

I guess when alfa calls deltec...before anyone picks up the phone...he will hear...

"We will, we will, rock you" :lol: and you can see alfa's face beaming a wide grin even before anyone answers the phone :lol:

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Yo Bro, I never mentioned anything about Deltec hor...

I thought local guys here can give some input mahhh... So I asked the question in general to set ppl thinking mah.. hope it got some ppl thinking anyway when designing their DIY skimmers etc etc. ;)

Will try the same question in RC then. Thanks for the tip! :)

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Good Point! :) 'Blur leading the blind' actually... LOL

Let me go seek enlightenment! :)

I think the usual answer will be... More dwell time will lead to more nutrients extracted at the cost of turnover rate, more turnover rate will lead to faster processing of tank water but be at the cost of dwell time (lesser nutrients extracted out every pass).

Either way, its up to the individual reefer to decide which is more important. Dats the beauty of having an oversized skimmer... gives you the freeplay on deciding how you wanna run it which cannot be afforded if your skimmer is just nice in sizing for the system. Another powerful reason to overspec the skimmer being used in anyone's system. :)

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yah....it's always a balance....and everyone's balance will be at different points because each situation is unique....so you got to find out for yourself what is the best for yourself. No one out there knows what u are keeping in your tank better than yourself :)

If more dwell time like you said, more organics get skimmed per pass but u never know if the water in the skimmer and just about to leave the skimmer is pristinely clean but the tank out there is rotting and crashing....

Too little dwell time will be less thorough per pass....but you get the benefit of a few more passes to try to get what the skimmer missed during the first pass compared to more dwell time.

personally i slightly tend towards the less dwell time/faster turnover camp....but thats me...

and i am just a 4-eyes(spectacles) giving my opinions for fellow 4-eyes/contact lens users out there.....all myopic :P:lol:

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