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Need Info About Dottyback

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  • SRC Member

anyone with experience keeping a royal dottyback??? (those common and cheaper one, not the expensive royal grammas)

are they aggressive? do they nip fin? are they bold? (ie, dun hide often)? comaptibility with other bigger fishes?

interested in keeping one. been thinking about it for a looong time. love their eyes and coloration.

thanks. :)

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I got the hots for Pseudochromis ever since I bought my first one, a Splendid Pseudochromis.


It is certainly territorial and may eat ornamental shrimps such as Skunks. Some are known to coexist with shrimps, so I guess it depends on your luck. It'll even 'square off' with you when it has a bad day.

They exhibits interesting character and is a flash of colours when it darts in and out of rocks. It is also wickedly fast; drop in some feeder shrimps and you'll see :)

Just avoid the Steenii, it is a bad ###### (think Samuel L. Jackson's wallet in Pulp Fiction) but unless you're going to keep it in your trigger tank, I'm sure it'll learn to behave itself :P

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  • SRC Member

If you can find them, the Sunrise Dottyback and the Orchid Dottyback are fantastic choices. Both are less aggresive than diadema, royal and strawberry, and in my opinion are more beautiful.

Got an Orchid Dottyback from ML recently. In fact its the first time I've seen it for sale since I started this hobby 6 years ago... hahaz~

Its really friendly and its long wavy fins are very ######... *wootz*

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  • SRC Member

u referring to this?

if so .. then so far it seems quite shy(oftens hide in its cave) but always the 1st to snatch big chunk of food and hide them in its cave... any fish fish near his cave will be chased away..hehhee never bother my blue tang (both occupying different end)


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That fish is pure EVIL! :evil::evil::evil: Last time in my 25 gallon tank used to wack any new comers to death. Even if the newcomer went hiding...it would still seek & destroy.

Not to mention any cleaner shrimps I tried to add...their eyes all got nipped out in the end. EVIL FISH! No more dottybacks for me! Although I could consider an orchid dottyback. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

I have one 3" strawberry dottyback and one 3" sunrise dottyback in my 4 ft. Both are agressive but they each rule one tower. Never go to each other's tower or face being chased away. I added a 1.5" Royal Gramma. Killed by Sunrise in 1 day. No more dottybacks in my tank from then.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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25 gallon is a little small lahz I guess... no space to hide... :P

Try Henry's method of adding shrimps... release them at the sand bed, dont allow them to free fall through the water. This way, they will not be seen as food... not fool proof lahz, but worth trying :)

Of all the dottybacks I've tried, the Orchid is very mild mannered... In fact he gets chased round by my Lyretail Hog that grows at an incredible rate. Can also try Sunrise. Even more docile than the Orchid :)


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  Trigger Queen said:
anyone with experience keeping a royal dottyback??? (those common and cheaper one, not the expensive royal grammas)

are they aggressive? do they nip fin? are they bold? (ie, dun hide often)? comaptibility with other bigger fishes?

interested in keeping one. been thinking about it for a looong time. love their eyes and coloration.

thanks. :)

Hey if you intend to keep them with fish that are fast swimming and greedy, suggest you not to add dottyback into your tank, as these fish are slow moving and consider cave deweller............. They can be rather territorial to one another and so only one dottyback per tank unless you tank is big withy many caves.........

BTW my previous sohal killed one of my newly added dottyback in 5 mins

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  • SRC Member
  FuEl said:
That fish is pure EVIL! :evil::evil::evil: Last time in my 25 gallon tank used to wack any new comers to death. Even if the newcomer went hiding...it would still seek & destroy.

Not to mention any cleaner shrimps I tried to add...their eyes all got nipped out in the end. EVIL FISH! No more dottybacks for me! Although I could consider an orchid dottyback. :rolleyes:

wa... :shock: so fierve 1 meh?

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