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AquaC EV240 for sale


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  • SRC Member

Specifications for EV-240:

- Dimensions: 10.75" x 6.75" x 26" (L x W x H) 27cmx17cmx70cm LBH

- Spray Induction style protein skimmer designed for in sump or stand alone use with aquariums from 80 - 350 gallons.

- Comes complete with air inlet with precision ball valve for fine tuning and collection cup drain.

- Input: 3/4" hose barb.

- Output: 1" gate valve.

- Required Pump rate: 900 - 1000 gph.

- The unit is completely self-leveling and may be installed alongside or in the sump in up to 10" of water.

Skimmer only, pump not included.

Going for $520.

Interested parties please call 96859334.



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  • SRC Member

a sicce extrema (2500l/hr) or ehiem 1260 (2400l/hr) will do ;)

Tak cukup lah! Even an Eheim 1262 is not powerful enough. Zero Endless is correct.

I remember Sugi uses Resun MD 55 to power his EV 240 for efficient skimmate production although he complained high power consumption by the pump.

I currently uses their recommnded SEN 900 for this skimmer, still not at optimal skimming rate yet.

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  • SRC Member
Specifications for EV-240:

- Dimensions: 10.75" x 6.75" x 26" (L x W x H) 27cmx17cmx70cm LBH

- Spray Induction style protein skimmer designed for in sump or stand alone use with aquariums from 80 - 350 gallons.

- Comes complete with air inlet with precision ball valve for fine tuning and collection cup drain.

- Input: 3/4" hose barb.

- Output: 1" gate valve.

- Required Pump rate: 900 - 1000 gph.

- The unit is completely self-leveling and may be installed alongside or in the sump in up to 10" of water.

Skimmer only, pump not included.

Going for $520.

Interested parties please call 96859334.


which one is EV-240??

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