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White Flies-like All Over My Tank

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  • SRC Member

Need to consult you guys.

When I switch off my overflow system pump..and the water is still,

I can see thousands of flies swimming around in my tank.

It's white, and the size of newly hatch brimp shrimp, but it is swimming fast.

It like to swim just under the light.

May I know what is that? Could it be the cause of Ich?

2 weeks ago an outbreak of whitespot diseases wipe out all the fish (about 30) in my tank slowly until all fish died.

Last Sat, I put in 2 damsels to test out.. and it has got whitespot too.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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Great.. Since I have already set up another small tank next to my sump to keep macroalgea to reduce NO3.. I can also keep seahorse or pipefish there... that's my whole intention.

Water pump up by my skimmer from the sump is now flow to the custum made small tank (17"x13"x14.5") whereby macroalgea is kept to reduce NO3.. I drilled a hole near the top so that as soon as water of the small tank reaches that level, it is flow back to the main sump, no additional pump require as the flow rate is hard to maintain.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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Yes.. you are right.. initially the hole is 3/4", and I fit in a PVC pipe..

and the pipe size is 1/2". Water flow back from small tank is slower than water flow into the tank..

Hence instead of PVC pipe.. i am now using rubber water pipe.. bigger hole to flow back.. now it is working fine.

Just wonder how much macroalgae is needed for the small tank in order that it's effectively reduce NO3. ANd what kind of lighting is recommended.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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Keep pipefish! They rock!

IMO a mandarin eats alot and will deplete your pod population in no time if the population is low....pipefish seem to have more controllable appetites. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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Need to consult you guys.

When I switch off my overflow system pump..and the water is still,

I can see thousands of flies swimming around in my tank.

It's white, and the size of newly hatch brimp shrimp, but it is swimming fast.

It like to swim just under the light.

May I know what is that? Could it be the cause of Ich?

2 weeks ago an outbreak of whitespot diseases wipe out all the fish (about 30) in my tank slowly until all fish died.

Last Sat, I put in 2 damsels to test out.. and it has got whitespot too.

hey you need to keep your tank empty for at least 1 month to allow the ich parasite to complete its life cycle and then die off due to the fact that they are no potential host...........You added your damsel in to early thus they too get the ich

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  • SRC Member
Hi chrislwp,

Is there any fish in your tank? if no fish, then the flies like creatures comes out from rocks and celebrate their freedom, enjoy their holiday in your tank. :yeah:

once your fishes is back, every single flies like creatures goes back into hiding, if not will be as food for fishes. :D

ya man.. those pods really celebrating in my tank now..swimming all around..I can even clearly see the mass amount even i am sitting 3meters away..

Once my water become good// i will start to keep seahorse and mandarin in my small refugium,, then they will be food...hee

Tank 4x2x2.5

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