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Acro Vs Star Polyps

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  • SRC Member


dun noe anyone has this experience, my star polyps r growing closer n closer to my acro... dunno i shld leave it as it is a not??? cos i realli scared the stars will cover my acros!

anyways, i tried to frag the star polyps by trying to pull out a layer of it.... however, it's difficult to pull out a whole piece! in the end i hav to use my pincers n scrap n KILL the star polyps that r near my acro :evil:

next time, shld i leave it or there's any betta way to take out the star polyps??? pls share ur experiences, thanks! :)

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Actually I read that there is another coral that resembles star polyps very much - Briareum which are commonly sold as Star Polyps lor... :erm::(

So wonder whether it is the Briareum that kills your acro, some species of Briareum are even toxic and aggressive.

Hmm it does look like star polyp... hmm mine should be killed by start polyp.... rather sure

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  • SRC Member

so i guess it's betta to be safe than sorry then :P

i shall KILL my star polyps if it comes near to my acro again next time :evil:

anyone noe any method i can frag out the star polyps more easily? it's attaching itself veri steadily to the liverock n i cannot take the live rock out.... tink it's realli a waste to scrap it away in my opinion, can give it away to other pple instead ;)

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  • SRC Member
so i guess it's betta to be safe than sorry then :P

i shall KILL my star polyps if it comes near to my acro again next time :evil:

anyone noe any method i can frag out the star polyps more easily? it's attaching itself veri steadily to the liverock n i cannot take the live rock out.... tink it's realli a waste to scrap it away in my opinion, can give it away to other pple instead ;)

Dont kill them la, can pass to me, I love polyps...hehehe :lol::lol:

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