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White spot

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  • SRC Member

Hi everyone... :D

Sorie to ask tis qn tat sounds stupid as im still a newbie...

Qn:Wat is e differences bet white spot bec of ich n white spot tat occur due to stress???R they e same???huh.... <_<

Got ppl at shop told me b4 when new fishes r intro into e tank n if they r stress due to getting use to e water,they will get white spot.However,aft awhile, e spot will b gone when they r not stress...N tis usually happens aft lgts off n lgts on period...Is tis white spot diff fm e white spot tat is due to itch problem...

Can someone enlighten me on tis??Or any website link tat i can go to??Like pic of fishes havnt white spot etc....

Tks..... :thanks:

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  • SRC Member


i don't claim what i say to be the absolute truth as i'm still learning on this topic

but what i have to say is from what i understand, they should be the same parasite causing the same symptoms

stress ich is like what the ppl at the shop told you, the fish is stressed by transportation to your home and then a new environment (physical, chemical and social stress)

all these make the fish immune system weak so it gets ich

but if it continues to eat well, it should get used to the system and get well

however, if conditions in the tank are not good, the fish may not recover and the ich worsen till the fish dies and possibly cause an outbreak

PS:this is what i conclude from the observations of my own fish. there maybe some discrepencies between what i believe and what others think

hope this helps

(btw, my experience with my fowlr is even if water conditions are good, introduction of a sick fish can still cause an outbreak

for what reasons i do not know.

all i know is with my fowlr, i've had 3 outbreaks due to introduction of sick fish and each time, i test the water and everything is ok

but then again, remember that this is MY experience, does not necessarily reflect a general consensus)

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  • SRC Member

i don't claim what i say to be the absolute truth as i'm still learning on this topic

but what i have to say is from what i understand, they should be the same parasite causing the same symptoms

stress ich is like what the ppl at the shop told you, the fish is stressed by transportation to your home and then a new environment (physical, chemical and social stress)

all these make the fish immune system weak so it gets ich

but if it continues to eat well, it should get used to the system and get well

however, if conditions in the tank are not good, the fish may not recover and the ich worsen till the fish dies and possibly cause an outbreak

PS:this is what i conclude from the observations of my own fish. there maybe some discrepencies between what i believe and what others think

hope this helps

(btw, my experience with my fowlr is even if water conditions are good, introduction of a sick fish can still cause an outbreak

for what reasons i do not know.

all i know is with my fowlr, i've had 3 outbreaks due to introduction of sick fish and each time, i test the water and everything is ok

but then again, remember that this is MY experience, does not necessarily reflect a general consensus)

Tks bro for contributing ur experience ;) ...

Fm wat i have observe..E white spot seems like a beri beri small sand sticking(attach) to e body.When lgts ON in e morn,u will c some of it.Aft a few hrs later,some of it seems to disappear(Or have fallen off..Huh... <_< ).B4 lgts OFF,its seems lik all e white small sand sticking on e body is gone.But nx morn when lgts ON,u will c some again.At some days,i dun even c any of it...huh... <_<Doesnt look lik ich to me as it doesnt rub its body against e LR or e glass..E shop ppl then told me tat it is due to adjustmt to its new environmt n tis is called stress spot....huh... <_<

Have being searching for pic of fishes with e white spot ich prob but cant find any leh...

Anybody here can teach me where to look for tis pic to lok c lok c..

tks :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

regarding the ich coming on and off

i remember hearing something like that from someone (just can't remember who) and he also addressed it as stress ich

so maybe yours is stress ich

Hope so lor..... :(

tks for e info,will montior it for afew more days b4 deciding wat to do w it..... :lol:

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  • SRC Member
gd luck!

continue feeding your fish with garlic

that should help

:o Jzt wondering,will e white spot spread to other fishes???All my other LS no sign of tis white spot on them.

Isit safe to leave tis fish w white spot inside e tank???

Tks. :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
it'll spread.....i'm currently battling a spread that started with yellow tang stress ich

but gurus tell me as long as they eat and behave normally, it should pass within couple of weeks

so i'm monitoring and crossing my fingers

sigh... :(

Anyway i jzt bought a white spot medi fm henry to try out n soak e food in garlic juice to try out c how..... :erm:

but luckily all of them still eating like a pig as though noting is happening... :D

keepin my finger xxxx too...... :sick:

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  • SRC Member

My BT(for 5 months) has slight White spots on & off for the first 2 mths,nothing major & everytime it 'cures itself',i do not add any garlic guard or cure inch additive......most important thing I watch out for are the water para & also lights to come on & off at the same time.Feeding also at roughly the same time,pellets twice daily & do not change brands once they are used to one.Lettuce & seaweed are also in their regular diet. Henry's recipe(yum,yum)is provided once a week.I also have a YT & Salfin for 6/4 months which are inch free(touch wood) & BT 3 mths swee swee.

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  • SRC Member
My BT(for 5 months) has slight White spots on & off for the first 2 mths,nothing major & everytime it 'cures itself',i do not add any garlic guard or cure inch additive......most important thing I watch out for are the water para & also lights to come on & off at the same time.Feeding also at roughly the same time,pellets twice daily & do not change brands once they are used to one.Lettuce & seaweed are also in their regular diet. Henry's recipe(yum,yum)is provided once a week.I also have a YT & Salfin for 6/4 months which are inch free(touch wood) & BT 3 mths swee swee.

:D Yah man..all my fishes love henry's fd mix..yumyum...

Aft adding e ich medi n feedin food soak in garlic since yest,e white spot on my Purple tang seems to hav go off abit bit...Dun noe whether if it is reali due to e medi n garlic...huh...Anyway will cont to use e medi for afew days n c how since i got no coral in my tank so not so worie abt dosing medi into e main tank.. :lol:

Tks for sharing ur experience.. :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

:D yah man..

mine oso sightly lesser white spot n e white spot color oso getting lighter liao....

Anyway is it true tat eventot aft ur fishes r cure of white spot,e white spot will still attack if e fish feel stress n e immue sys is weak??? <_<

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  • SRC Member

ich can be cause by stress and stress can come from not just water parameter by other things...for example, agression ,not enough room to swim..... etc....if everyday kanne harrass by a big bully at school you will also be stress

so keep good parameter while important, might still not solve your ich problem observe the behaviours of your LS carefully and exercise good common sense.....;)

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  • SRC Member

tks for all e advise.... :D

Right now everything seems to b under ctrl....

Is a 3by1.5by2ft tank too small for a ard 2.5inch purple tang to live in???

He seems ok for e 1st wk when i bought it hm..Its aft e 2nd wk then e white spot came out.

Tis is so far e biggest fish tat i bought.All e rest r smaller then 1.5inch.Altog i onli got ard 6fishes.

Water parameter r:NH4 n NO2 r at 0ppm,NO3 10ppm,Ph 8.4 n KH 9.Jzt tat cal abit on e high side at 580(Am doin a water change every wk to try n bring it dw.B4 it was at ard 700).

Until now nvr see any fishes chasing ea other b4... :D

Was thinkin it might be my tank too small for him to swim abt so he too stress....sigh... :(

Hope tat aft awhile it will get use to it if tis is reali e case..... :erm:

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  • SRC Member

BT is quite vulnerable to white spots, in most cases it will disappear itself. I don't think there is a difference in white spots caused by stress ot otherwise, just like your fever, it can be a result of many things like flu, food poisoning, dengue etc etc.

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  • SRC Member
BT is quite vulnerable to white spots, in most cases it will disappear itself. I don't think there is a difference in white spots caused by stress ot otherwise, just like your fever, it can be a result of many things like flu, food poisoning, dengue etc etc.

Tats y im wondering if e medi tat i put in reali works anot??huh..... <_<

Read in some of e posting here tat hyposalinity is e best cure for white spot.But like wat some of u say white spot is like a flu etc type of sickness.So wondering eventot if we perform a hyposalinity treatmt on e fishes,will they still get white spot if they r stress out let say by some bigger fish or e water parameter??.

N eventot if we do a 2wks quarantine on new fishes,will it grantee tat they wont get e white spot if stress or sick etc etc???

Piesei,abit confuse on tis white spot sickness....... <_<

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If the fish has been hypo treated for min 6 weeks and if the tank is free of ich (left fishless for min 6 weeks) and no new addition of fish that is not 101% ich free then no matter how stressed out the fishes are then there won't be any ich outbreak.

Oic,so once hypo treatmt is done on all e fishes(New n old) n e tank left fishless for at least 6-8wks then it can b grantee tat it will b ich free.....

Tks for clearing e doubt.... :thanks:

Think tat i will have to cont fight tis ich until i reali got e equipmt n time to perform tis hypo treatmt.sigh..... :(

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  • SRC Member
How are you going to "fight" the ich when you're not going to use the proper way?

Or you going to practise the PNP (pray and pray) method?

Guys trust him. He is the one who teach me to do HYPO and true the AT, POwer Blue and Power Brown in my tank was free from itch..

Get a refractormeter for better measurement for the SG

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • SRC Member
How are you going to "fight" the ich when you're not going to use the proper way?

Or you going to practise the PNP (pray and pray) method?

No offence.... :D

Of course i trust e hypo method tat u recommend as read alot abt e success cases

here. :D

Was thinking since i have started dosing e medication for 4 days liao so gog to cont use it as e condition is improving lor.

tks for e advise :thanks:

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