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PUB bills shot up sky high


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  • SRC Member

i remember this had been discussed a few times here but i cant find the link on the wattage/price. I receive my PUB bills today , its $450 :cry2: .. compared to $260-280/month using 2 X 150MH.

The only equipment i upgraded are 2 X 250 MH and 2 X T5, . how come so much of a different <_< The rest of the equip used is the same. :huh:

current equipment use :

2 X eheim 1262 (24/7)

1 X quietone 6000 (24/7)

1 X dunno wat pump for chiller (24/7)

2 X 250 MH (9hrs)

2 X t5 (11hrs)

1 X pacific cool 1/2hp chiller (not sure)

2 X tunze 6060 (24/7)

2 X seio 820 (24/7)

1 X 12 times coralife turbo twist UV (24/7)

1 X tubby (not sure)

1 X CR with ehiem pump (dunno wat model) (24/7)

i think tats about all. Can someone help ?

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  • SRC Member
confirm increase are your lightings portion

increase of MH alone

= 0.2kW x 9hrs x30 x $0.1653

= $8.93

addition of T5

= ? kW x 11hrs x 30 x $0.1653

= $?

plus increase in your chiller run time....

Yes bro, I only add 2 X 250W and 2X T5's only, it should be 54W. Really wonder why so much of a different, well there might be some ups n downs but this is really too much, FYI i maintain my bill at 250-300 <_<

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it will help if you can give the wattages of your equipment

and use the formula for every piece of equipment:

Wattage of equipment (in kW) x operating hrs x 30days in a month x $0.1653

= cost of running that equipment.

repeat for every equipment and you get your total reef bill.

go back and check your wattage for every piece of equipment and do the calculations yourself....it doesn't help when u list items like this..

1 X dunno wat pump for chiller (24/7)

even people who are super free and want to help you calculate also cannot do so unless they got crystal ball in front of them to see what pump u are using for your chiller :lol:

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  • SRC Member

ok.. lets say :

2 X 250 W = 0.5 X 9 X 30 X $0.1653 = $22.32

2 X t5 54W = 0.18 X 11 X 30 = $9.8

2 X eheim 65W = 0.13 X 24 X 30 = $15.48

1 X quietone 80W = 0.08 X 24 X 30 = $9.50

1 X dunno wat pump say 80W = 0.08 X 24 X 30 = $ $9.50

2 X tunze 6060 (24/7) watt ?

2 X seio 820 (24/7) watt ??

1 X pacific cool 1/2hp chiller ? watt ?

1 X 12 times coralife turbo twist UV (24/7) watt ?

1 X tubby (not sure) watt ?

1 X CR with ehiem pump (dunno wat model) (24/7) its a small pump comes with RM minature CR

Can someonehelp me on the watage ? is the above calculation correct ?

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  • SRC Member


When you install the additional high consuming equips?

It could be a accumulated bill. PUB will charge based on average consumption.

If I'm not mistaken, they will take the meter readings once in 2 or 3 mths. That accounts for the high bill. It will go back to normal in the next mth.

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  • SRC Member
Jc 85, thanks.. after calculating its around 80bucks not including chiller and tubby..

roidan, thanks for the info....

kokhui n mohamed, its actual reading, not estimates....

Anyone here using 1/2hp pacific cool chiller ? do u know the wattage ?

No Worries.

According to Coral Labs, http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18255 , it should be around 550W. You got to find out how often the compressor kicks in den.

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  • SRC Member

When you install the additional high consuming equips?

It could be a accumulated bill. PUB will charge based on average consumption.

If I'm not mistaken, they will take the meter readings once in 2 or 3 mths. That accounts for the high bill. It will go back to normal in the next mth

Like what mohamed says could be true, happened to me once. :D

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  • SRC Member

How much were your bills for the past mths?

You need to know when you install the equips? It could be that the past mths, you were paying extimated bills. This mth, when the meter reader went to place and took the actual reading it will reflect the correct one and accumulate the deficit in the past mths where you were paying lesser.

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  • SRC Member
How much were your bills for the past mths?

You need to know when you install the equips? It could be that the past mths, you were paying extimated bills. This mth, when the meter reader went to place and took the actual reading it will reflect the correct one and accumulate the deficit in the past mths where you were paying lesser.

last 2 months was between 260-280.. u may be right, it could be estimated for the past 2 months and this month is according to actual reading. Anyway, i go back home and check again... ;)

the idea of installing 2 X 400W freaks me out.. :P

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  • SRC Member

From my past bills, I notice alternate month are estimate while the other month are actual reading of the meter. So if the month they estimate is too low, the 'actual reading' bill will increase quite a lot to offset the short change on estimated month.

Don't quote me on this. I heard that they will do a yearly summary on your bills. So at the close of each year, they will compare the meter reading and compare with the money they charge you. If there are discrepancy, they will charge you in a whole lump sum.

For your case, you might be paying a little lesser every mth, so during this yearly summary month, they round off the amount and send u a bomb. Whereas for Roidan case, they've been charging him extra each mth, therefore at the close of the year, he is given a bonus to pay lesser when his actual consumption for that month still remain the same.

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  • SRC Member
From my past bills, I notice alternate month are estimate while the other month are actual reading of the meter. So if the month they estimate is too low, the 'actual reading' bill will increase quite a lot to offset the short change on estimated month.

Don't quote me on this. I heard that they will do a yearly summary on your bills. So at the close of each year, they will compare the meter reading and compare with the money they charge you. If there are discrepancy, they will charge you in a whole lump sum.

For your case, you might be paying a little lesser every mth, so during this yearly summary month, they round off the amount and send u a bomb. Whereas for Roidan case, they've been charging him extra each mth, therefore at the close of the year, he is given a bonus to pay lesser when his actual consumption for that month still remain the same.

yea...tell me about it.....my new place has been empty for 2 month....1st month was S$0...second month shoot up to S$300++ more then the amount i'm paying for my flat (which i'm currently leaving with my fishes!!!), 1 don't think 1 month of reno eat up so much power.....something must be really funny with the way the calculate.....

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  • SRC Member

You see, it's just not possible for them to check on every households every mth. That's why it's done on alternate mths. The mth when there is no reading done will be an estimated amt form the previous mth or ave of a few mths.

Alternatively, if I'm not wrong, you can choose to do your own reading and submit to PUB for the month end for their computation. Again, if you give a wrong figure, then like what Hon said they will offset the short change when actual readings were done.

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  • SRC Member
heard that some places the meter man to goes down to read meter every 6mths, rest of the month estimate. end up when the bill with the accurate reading come - shocking. :peace:

Mine is something like that. Because most of the time they don't get to do a proper reading, my bills are like -- estimate, estimate, estimate, estimate then actual. Which usually means the actual bill will be much higher than the months of estimates. Subsequent months will be back to estimates again.

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