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Kokhui's 4X1.5X1.5


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Prata and Cynarina can be fed this way. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Good job bro... they only need light feeding once every week or two, dun recommend that u do it too often as it'll pollute the water... tongue.gif

Hi Rav65,

You knoe how envious I am of your prata! Care to shoe how you feed them?


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Hi Rav65,

You knoe how envious I am of your prata! Care to shoe how you feed them?


Actually I hardly feed them... :paiseh:

The prata pic you saw in feeding mode was becoz it was extending it tentacles, so I gave it 3 of the mysis shrimps that I used to feed my fish... :P

Even if I target feed, i try to keep it to small amounts to preserve the water quality, the last time I fed was about 2 months ago liao... :P

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Hi bros,

I ned your valuable advice on my intention to modify my IOS. Please see attached for the current IOS schematic.

I am now having the bio balls which many shared had issues with being a nitrate factory. I therefore intent to modify it to remove the bio balls and cater a refugium as inspired by bro Nick's IOS nano!


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Sorry mods, please remove my previous picture, forgot to resize.

Please see below for the modified design for my IOS incorporating a refugium and removing the bio balls.

Please comment as I truely value and need them. :thanks::bow::bow::bow:


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  • SRC Member

How big is your refu. going to be? I think your tank filteration might not be able to cope with too many fish if you are going to have so many corals. I would advise you to think about how to connect the whole thing with a sump/refu.

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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Hi Kokhui

Kareen is right. How big is your refugium capacity based on the mod design. Your tank is much bigger than mine. got confused looking at how the flow movement. Your main inlet is from the right and your refugium is making use of the chiller return flow to cater for the refuguim right?

a) It is good that the refugium flow directly to the return PH and skip the skimmer in my view (copepods wont get scramble into the venturi and create more load).

B) Bad part is u use Chiller Return flow - so u will lose efficiency due to the extra passenge. Basically if u need to keep your main tank cooler at 26degC, your chiller need to work harder as it will pass thru refugium -> return PH ->main tank

If u can use chiller return directly to the main tank and instead use SKimmer return to flow into refugium. This may make it more efficient but u need to double check the back pressure that this extra piping will create and change your skimming level.

c) Caulerpa is good. Easy to maintain in refugium. Saw alot at reborn yesterday.

Finally, your tank is already operational, how do u intend to add sand or miracle mud into your last compartment.... it will be very messy. :blink:

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alamak, forgot to mention.

The other method is to have the hang-on refugium which is easy to implement for your case.

U should go to Equanature office at Geylang, they have a demo tank there running. Also, the hangon type is also a pleasure to view. Can see all the critters and plants in there. Consider that your 2nd tank to look at. :D

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Hi Thanks Kareen & Nicholas for your comments and advice.

The intended refugium in my design is about 12"(L) X 5" (W) X12"(H). Nick, it is right that using the chiller return will reduce the chiller efficiency, I think using the skimmer return seems like a better choice!

Kareen, I do not intend to keep too many fis and what you see in my tank thread now is what I have and at most just a few more small ones if I intend to get later on. I did think about connecting the IOS to a sump and plca it below the compartment below the tank but it seems too much work and not cost effective therefore I thought that the way that Nick had done seems feasible. Still in the thinking stage.

Nick, can I just put some small LSs and the caulerpa and skip the mud and sand for the refugium? If I were to do it, I will carefully remove the bio balls and clean up the IOS before proceeding. It should not stire up anything in the tank as the compartments are separated. Getting a i-refuge may costs more as not sure of its price

Do you guys think it is feasible?


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Kokhui, sunny meant putting a compartment full of LRs with caulerpa only.

The DSB has its function using sand or miracle mud.

Check out this website: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugium.htm

It has pretty good info on what u should be considering.

ALternatively, u can put the sand in a plastic bag and slit its btm open and slowly release the sand. Do this with half the water in the refugium compartment. This will allow it to settle down and u can then mod the piping over from the skimmer and connect the rest together.

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

Quite sometime since I last update on my tank. :rolleyes:

I had di some modifications to my IOS.

1) I had removed all the bios balls in chamber 2

2) Replaced chamber 2 with bio rings and wool and some aquaPharm Pur-II filter material.

3) Removed all the bio rings from chamber 3

4) Moved the pump from chamber 4 to chamber 3

5) Redirect the return pump from chamber 6 to chamber 5

6) Create a refugium in chamber 6

Not sure if all these make sense to you guys but I will like to keep this as a record here for future reference.

Here is a pic of my refugium from the top view.


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Nice work Kok Hui, I have been waiting for your new tank pics until my neck very long liao. :pirate:

Keep it coming bro. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member
Nice work Kok Hui, I have been waiting for your new tank pics until my neck very long liao. 

Keep it coming bro. 

Thanks Goudian. I dod not have much new stuff to share, just some updates. I was trying to download some pics last night but it seems that SRC was kind of busy last night! Gave up until this morning. :(

So, another pic of my refugium, with my caulerpa algae.


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bro nice tank , U know got to be xtra carefull wif the algae. I did that to , same systen like urs anyway. Like me I forget to prune the algae assuming it grow well coz at the back lazy to see and xcess. Big problem , mine asexual and many pcs apart. wow headache need to clean the compartment.Mine never work so I erased the idea of microalgae.

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  • SRC Member
bro nice tank , U know got to be xtra carefull wif the algae. I did that to , same systen like urs anyway. Like me I forget to prune the algae assuming it grow well coz at the back lazy to see and xcess. Big problem , mine asexual and many pcs apart. wow headache need to clean the compartment.Mine never work so I erased the idea of microalgae.

Hi Woverine,

Thanks. I am taking extra care for the macro algae. I check them everyday so far and they seems to be growing very slowly.............sigh. I do not even got chance to prune them :cry:

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  • SRC Member
bro..i love your tank ...its very nice

can post latest pics...love to see your

coral r healthy

any way great choice to hv refugium 

Bro Barnacle,

Thanks to your compliments. OK, some pics that I took yesterday.

Firstly, a pic of the tank view........... :rolleyes:


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