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Worm in fish stomach?

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  • SRC Member

hi guys, u noe there's something as worms in human stomach rite?

i was wondering is there such thing in fishes because one of my dispars, the male actually, is getting skinnier by the day but yet i feed it alot and it eats very well.

all the other female dispars colouring up nicely and getting big and fat with the exception of the male

any ideas?

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Yes, most fish do have internal worms, but they don't cause a problem unless someting else weakens the fish. In this case, the fish may need to eat more frequently. Plankton feeders should be fed several times a day in small amounts.

It is also possible for fish to comsume a high calorie count and still be starving to death. If the fish is not getting the right kinds of foods and fed often enough then it is not getting proper nutrition. This problem may not show up until you have had a particular specimen for some time.

Follow this link to the library on my Website for an article that may help you and your fish:



Terry B

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  • SRC Member

Thats a sign of cyanide poisoning.

The poison has destroy the digestive system of the fish, and no matter how well the fishes feed, it can't retrive the nutrients... and slowly wither away....sad, but nothing we can do....6 months of life span is my experience with such fishes....

Well, cross your fingers and hope thats not whats happening to your fish...

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